Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Implications of our Liberty in Christ.


By Ezekiel Kimosop

Galatians 5:1 says "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage" (NKJV).

What can we draw from this Scripture?

This scripture underscores the liberty that we have in Christ which was brought to us by His finished works of Calvary. It calls on us to stand steadfast in the liberty, the divine freedom that Christ brought to us. He redeemed us through His sinless blood (Acts 20:28-29).

However, the Bible elsewhere proclaims that our freedom in Christ is subject to the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2 says "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

This scripture speaks about our Christian responsibility to one another, to cherish and support one another in our walk of faith, including restoring the erring (cf. James 5:19-20).

I wish to summarize the exercise of our spiritual liberty in the context of three key areas of focus:


This is the covenant love for our heavenly Father who gave a ransom for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8).

We should cherish our relationship with God by watching our devotion to Him in worship and in the exhortations of Scripture.


We are members of God's household of which Christ is the first born among many brethren, the first born from the dead (Rom. 8:29; Rev. 1:5). He is the firstfruits of those who will be raised to eternal life in Christ. We are therefore bound by our brotherly love to reach out to one another in Christ.

Our loving relationship with one another is evidence of what Christ has accomplished in us. Jesus taught in in John 13:34-35, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."


Our love for God should propel us to obey the great command in Matthew 28:19-20.

God has put in our hearts the desire to reach out to the lost with the gospel.

How should we accomplish this task? Not all of us are evangelists or pastors or Christian missionaries, but we are all required to witness for Christ in our respective spheres of influence. We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20).

This task can only be accomplished through our love for the lost, knowing that God seeks to touch them as he did us in Christ.

Paul was commanded by Christ on the road to Damascus to take the gospel to the Gentiles so that God may "... open their eyes in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me" (Acts 26:18).


Our liberty in Christ is governed by the agape love from God that expects nothing in return.

Our freedom in Christ is therefore subject to what pleases God and fulfills His divine purposes through us.

We are not to abuse our freedom by moral disobedience or rebellion under the guise of the OSAS slang that says "once saved always saved". There are plain consequences for our moral disobedience that are plainly stated in the Bible.

Let us therefore exercise our spiritual freedom in wisdom and seek to please our heavenly Father.

Have a blessed weekend.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Growing Church - A Study of Colossians 1:3-14


By Ezekiel Kimosop


Bible scholars say that the Letter of Colossians was written around 60 AD during Paul's first imprisonment when he was under house arrest (Acts 28:16-31). Colosse was a city in Asia Minor (present day Turkey), which was located on the Lycus River on the great East West trade route from Ephesus on the Aegean Sea to the Euphrates, in present day Turkey.

The Letter to the Colossians was written to encourage the Colossians in the walk of faith and to contend with Gnostic heresy.

Gnostics were a Christian sect that denied the humanity of Christ and effectively put into doubt His divinity and the atonement that He brought to us. They could not reconcile the incarnate coming of Christ because Greek mythology rejected the idea that the divine could mingle with human flesh, which was considered sinful.


In the passage of Colossians 1:3-8, Paul was thanking God for the spiritual growth of the Colossians even as he prayed for them. He wrote this letter in the company of Timothy. It is therefore instructive that the passage is written in the first person plural noun.

He begins by appreciating the Colossians for the fellowship they shared with him in Christ even though he was locked up in Rome. No circumstances, however unpleasant, can take away our Christian fellowship and identity in Christ. The free and the bound share equal heritage in Christ. 

Paul reveals that the Colossians had grown in faith and in their love towards all the saints (vv. 3-4). This is evidence of their spiritual maturity as a Christian community and their ministry outreach to neighboring congregations. 

That is precisely what ought to happen in any growing Christian community. As they grow deeper in Christ, they grow wider in taking the gospel to the unreached and in edifying the saints.

Paul further admits that the Colossians were beneficiaries of Paul's missionary effort. The gospel had spread far and wide, thanks to faithful Christian missionaries that Paul had raised in ministry (vv. 5-6). 

Bible scholars believe that Paul wrote the Letter to the Colossians alongside the Letter to the Ephesians in order to encourage the congregations and to teach against early Gnostic heresy that had reared its head. 

This possibly explains his distinct focus on high christology, which the theological defense of Christ and His mission (cf. Colossians 1:15-23). This teaching mirrors on the passage dedicated to the building of the Christian community in sound doctrine  (Ephesians 4:11-16).

Paul deeply longed to see the Colossians. He looked forward to witnessing for himself what he had heard from Epaphras who is here introduced as a faithful minister among the Colossians. He was possibly the overseer of the Colossian congregation. This stands out Epaphras as a faithful teacher of the word of God.

Elsewhere in the New Testament Scripture, we learn that Epaphras was present when Paul wrote the letter of Philemon. At that point in time, Epaphras was imprisoned alongside Paul (Philemon 1:23). This letter was possibly written after Colossians.

Now back to the Letter of Colossians...

Paul had apparently sent Epaphras to minister to the Colossians and he had come to Rome to check on the welfare of the Apostle Paul who by then under restriction by the Roman authorities for preaching the gospel (vv. 7-8). Epaphras was possibly the bearer of the Letter to the Colossians.

Colossians 1:9-11 captures Paul's utmost wishes for the Colossians. He prays that the Colossians: "...may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy" (NKJV).

This statement is significant in underscoring Paul's desire for this growing Christian community that they may continue to abound in Christ. His writings beyond this passage reveal Paul's earnest desire to strengthen the knowledge of the Colossians in Christ.

Let us briefly evaluate the passage of Colossians 1:9-11.

Notice the spiritual growth contemplated in this passage...Paul prayed that they may walk worthy of the Lord... This prayer addresses their moral conduct in a sinful world. A Christian community should watch their walk, lest they bring disrepute to the body of Christ and hinder their Christian witness.

They should be pleasing unto Him, holding Him in esteem and awe as Lord and Savior (v. 10). They are to be fruitful in every good work. 

This fruitfulness should be understood in the context of the passage. It relates to the things of God, the work of ministry. It has nothing to do with material prosperity as some teach.

The Colossians also ought to "increase in the knowledge of God" (v.10). This refers to the spiritual increase that comes from the dedicated study of the word of God and in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, Paul's prayer is that the Colossians may be "strengthened in all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy" (v.11). 

This spiritual empowerment comes from a life that is yielded to Christ in truth, and in his word; a life of patience with God even in afflictions (James 1:2-4). 

Colossians 1:12-14 says " thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."

This concluding section of the passage recognizes that a life that is increasingly transformed in Christ is lived in thankfulness of heart.

The Colossians, like us, were privileged to be partakers of the inheritance that we have in Christ through the finished works of the cross. Our sinful condemnation was taken away at the cross of Calvary.

God delivered us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light; from death to life; from despair to the eternal hope in Christ; from sinners to saints! Praise God!

Glory to God indeed for the glorious work of redemption in Christ! 

Christian sanctification continues to the day in which Christ shall appear to take away His church (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). It is a life long experience. Up till then, we ought to watch and pray even as we serve God.

Are you growing in Christ?

We should never neglect opportunities for building our faith in Christ, no matter how many years we have walked with Him! No believer outgrows the Christian sanctification process!

Instead, we should be daily conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29).


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Who Should Partake of the Table??


By Ezekiel Kimosop


My study of Scripture reveals that there are three primary qualifications that Scripture prescribes for one to access the Lord's Table.

1) One must have saving faith in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches that we are saved by grace through faith. It is not by works.

2) He should have been baptized in accordance with the teaching of Scripture.

3) He should also be a member of a distinct Christian community.

These are the same thresholds for basic Christian obedience.

Being a member of a Christian congregation affords us edification and spiritual accountability in our walk with Christ.

This them implies that one must have satisfied the biblical requirements of salvation by faith in Christ alone and has been baptized and admitted into fellowship by their congregation.

Each Christian community have their established traditions touching on admission to the Lord's Table which are intended to bring honor to Christ.

For instance, traditional Evangelical churches would not permit a believer to partake of the Lord's Table until he or she is affirmed by the congregation and is baptized through water immersion.

There is divided opinion among some traditions on what constitutes quintessential biblical baptism.

Some traditional churches insist that water baptism was not expressly commanded in Scripture. They simply sprinke water or place a mark on the forehead of the believer as evidence of Christian baptism.

Others require that the believer undergoes an elaborate confirmation process before being admitted into the church communion.

Pentecostal traditions  baptize by water immersion but do not recognize baptism as a prerequisite for admission into the Holy Communion.

They only insist on public confession of salvation by faith in Christ.

Both Evangelical and Pentecostal traditions are however agreed on the necessity of salvation by faith in Christ which must be affirmed through public confession as the evidence of new birth in Christ which must be accompanied by biblical moral living (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Both traditions also conduct water baptism through immersion and will not recognize any other method of baptism.

My view is that we should respect our church traditions provided that they are godly and are consistent with biblical truth.

I subscribe to the Evangelical tradition and it is my personal conviction that there is no basis for a believer accessing the Lord's Table without being baptized by water immersion in the same manner that Christ was baptized in the Jordan and the Ethiopian Eunuch was baptized by Philip in a place with much water.

The believer should also have been affirmed by his or her church congregation as a bona fide member.  My view is that there is no such thing as private Christianity! No person who genuinely belongs to Christ can wilfully reject church fellowship.

Why do Evangelical churches insist on the prerequisite of water baptism before admission to the Lord's Table?

This is because the two ordinances of baptism and holy communion were commanded by Christ and we should therefore unquestioningly obey our Master (Matthew 28:19-20).

I hope I have somehow addressed the first question.


Now turning to the second question, I wish to state that this is a fairly difficult question. We can nonetheless identify some biblical guidelines on certain circumstances when it may be necessary for a believer to withdraw from the Holy Communion. Thankfully, such occasions are uncommon.

My view is that a believer should not withdraw from the Lord's Table except under the following exceptional circumstances:

1) If they are under church discipline. Once a believer has been suspended from church fellowship, they should withdraw from Holy Communion during the period of suspension until they are restored by the church. This practice is finds support in 1 Corinthians 5:1-9 regarding the immoral brother.

Paul instructed the Corinthian assembly to suspend the immoral brother. The object of the suspension is stated in 1 Corinthians 5:4-5.

He was later restored in 2 Corinthians 2:5-11.

Once the immoral brother was removed from church fellowship, this automatically disqualified him from participating in the Holy Communion celebration. Other restrictions may apply including suspension from church leadership positions.

Again this withdrawal is a sign of humility and spiritual submission that is intended to bring honor to Christ and His finished works of the cross.

2) Where the believer is the subject of the proceedings of a church tribunal which is inquiring on a matter touching on their moral conduct.

This is not to suggest that the believer is guilty of misconduct at this point but that the withdrawal serves to free their conscience and to preserve the Christian witness and to warn others (cf. 1 Timothy 5:19).

Once the tribunal proceedings are concluded and a verdict is rendered, and the believer is absolved, then he should be readmitted into fellowship and into Holy Communion.

3) Where the believer determines under a private and personal conviction that it would be inappropriate to approach the Lord's Table on account of a personal conflict that is within their exclusive knowledge and for which their conscience is not reconciled.

The Bible says in Romans 14:22-23 "....happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith, for whatever is not of faith is sin".

This passage touched on food offered to idols which Paul taught that believers were free to partake unless they have some condemnation on the same.

Scripture also requires us to search our hearts and be reconciled with God so that our consciences do not condemn us (1 John 3:20-21)

Some personal conflicts may require pastoral counseling.

Whatever the circumstances, the Lord's Table must be approached with honor and reverence to Christ in whose memory the celebration is conducted.

This is not to suggest that only sinless or perfect Christians should participate in the Holy communion!

The Bible expressly confirms that none of us is without sin (1 John 1:8-10). We should therefore confess our sins whenever we come before the Lord.

We can only access the presence of God purely at His invitation and by His grace.

The Bible however warns that we should not partake of the Lord's Table irreverently or in a dishonorable manner because this may carry grave consequences for those who knowingly do so (1 Corinthians 11:23-27).

This is why churches have a calendar for the Holy Communion and each believer is expected to prepare themselves ahead of each celebration.

We ought therefore to examine ourselves and if there is any unconfessed sin or unresolved conflict or any disobedience to God for which the Holy Spirit manifestly convicts us, then we should address them instead of waiting until the 11th hour and walk away when the Table is being served!

The story is told of one pastor who was about to conduct the celebration of the Holy Communion and he recalled a domestic conflict he had with his wife that morning.

The pastor sought forgiveness from her at the pews and went on to preside over the celebration of the Lord's Table with a clear conscience.

My view is that when believers choose to walk away from the gathering of the Holy Communion without a legitimate reason, this does not advance our Christian witness.

When one persistently withdraws from Holy Communion yet they are not under discipline, this may be a pointer to some spiritual conflict that needs to be confronted.

The Holy Communion is, in my view, the highest expression of unity between believers and our Lord. It is the moment in which we recall His sacrificial works by which He mercifully reached out to us and rescued us. It is the celebration of our unity in Christ as one body of people who have been redeemed by Christ and who eternally belong to Him (Ephesians 4:30).

The Holy Communion mirrors the eternal Union that we shall enjoy in the presence of Christ in Revelation 21. It is a mirror of heaven on earth, so to speak.

You Are Never Alone


By Ezekiel Kimosop

Nothing is perhaps more assuring in our walk of obedience in Christ than to know that God eternally watches over those who have a covenant relationship with Him.

Psalm 121 and other relevant passages of Scripture gives this assurance.

Nothing ever happens to the children God without His foreknowledge and permissive will. No matter what pain or affiliations we go through God always walks with us. If only we can discern this truth!

There are circumstances in our lives when we find ourselves in situations of doubt; when the world seems to collapse upon us. The enemy takes advantage of these situations to discourage us and cause us to doubt God.

However, such situations are temporal because God will finally come for us and we shall rejoice in Him, knowing that His purposes have been served in our affiliations.

God will never permit a situation that overuns our faith. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Any afflictions we suffer are only meant to serve God's divine purposes for us. They are NEVER intended to destroy us!

We serve a great God who sovereignly reigns over all dominions and whose word must be fulfilled in the end.

He is the God of the mountains and the God of the valleys. He will never forsake us or abandon us.

The Syrians learnt a hard lesson when they mocked His name and belittled His power.

1 Kings 20:28-29 says "Then a man of God came and spoke to the king of Israel, and said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Because the Syrians have said, “The Lord is God of the hills, but He is not God of the valleys,” therefore I will deliver all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord.’” 29 And they encamped opposite each other for seven days. So it was that on the seventh day the battle was joined; and the children of Israel killed one hundred thousand foot soldiers of the Syrians in one day."

Be encouraged in the LORD as you serve God and worship Him in truth and in spirit. Our eternal destiny is firmly in His hands.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Unmasking the "Mighty Prophet"


By Ezekiel Kimosop


I have received some questions seeking my theological opinion on Dr. David Owuor's ministry which is also known as Ministry of Repentance and Holiness. I believe we had handled some aspects of this question under this forum in the past but for the sake of new participants, and in recognition of emerging developments, and the need to interrogate the movement's doctrines and practices, allow me to make a few observations.

I am usually hesitant to make a direct criticism of a particular church ministry or its leader unless there are legitimate and compelling theological reasons for doing so, and especially if the movement exhibits signs of cultic or neo-cultic leanings in its doctrines. I may not sufficiently comprehend the theological foundation and objects of this large Christian sect but I can speak from the much I have managed to gather from its radio broadcasts and my keen observation of its meetings as well as my interaction with some of its ardent followers and people close to them.


My view is that Dr David Owuor's religious group is difficult to specifically classify. I cannot for instance tell if it is a Pentecostal, Evangelical or Charismatic model. It appears to fall into the prophetic/apocalyptic group.

I have never come across its statement of faith, if any. Besides, the movement does not appear to host  an official website. 

To the best of my knowledge, the movement was exclusively founded by Dr. David Owuor who until his self-declared calling to ministry was reportedly a science scholar. His ministry partners, if any, are largely unknown. I have been unable to establish where Dr. Owuor initially worshiped or whether he was raised in a particular Christian tradition before his "calling" to prophetic ministry. His family life is also not publicly known. He hardly introduces members of his family during his meetings.

Is he married or celibate?

I was also unable to establish if he is a graduate of any recognized theological seminary or any ministry mentorship under which he was raised. Dr. Owuor's movement owns a radio station located at Nakuru Town known as "Jesus is Lord Radio" that appears to be exclusively dedicated to his ministry broadcasts.

The movement consists of local assembly networks in nearly every part of Kenya. The impact of the movement in rural Kenya is notable. Some Pentecostal/charismatic churches have closed down to join the movement. It appears that the movement focuses on evangelistic approach to church planting so that a congregation is established after a major meeting or series of meetings in a particular town or region. I have also observed some unique church planting strategies employed by the movement especially in rural areas where it is rapidly growing and taking over some established Christian communities. Its ministers do not appear to possess any theological training neither are they affiliated to any major religious umbrella body in Kenya. I have also observed that the movement plants churches or "altars" within close proximities of established rural churches where they covertly and even openly poach the faithful.


There are no clear ecclesial structures in the movement's congregations, other than the presence of pastors and evangelists and this suggests that there is an apex leadership structure where the prophet has full personal command over the ministry. This is affirmed by a curious worship tradition where the congregations reportedly listen to Dr. Owuor's recorded teachings during Sunday services. This obscures the ecclesial authority of its congregational ministers, if any, in proclaiming the mind of God directly to the congregation. The group appears to subscribe to an egalitarian model of church leadership where women serve in the pastorate. It considers itself to be distinct from mainstream Christianity. The movement's followers do not appear to freely mingle with other Christian groups and will not attend worship in any other church except the movement's congregations. This exclusivism is perhaps informed by its unique theology and could explain the lack of cohesive affiliation affinities with established Evangelical groups. 


The movement conducts regular conference meetings/crusades that move from one part of the country to another, usually along major towns. The meetings are open to all movement followers countrywide and this often presents logistical nightmares on accommodation and security. During a meeting held at Uhuru Park, Nairobi in 2018, most of the movement's followers slept in the cold for two nights, never mind that some have little kids with them.

On Saturday 7th July 2018, the movement caused a traffic gridlock in Nairobi City when nearly one million followers thronged the city to hear their leader speak and to seek miracles.  In August 2019, Dr. Owuor held another mammoth rally in Nakuru which closed 18th August 2019. I am informed that more than 1250 police officers were engaged in another Nakuru meeting held in 2016, whose key sessions were televised on nationwide media.

The prophet is also a global icon who travels to foreign countries for scheduled conferences and crusades, notably in Europe and South America.


As stated earlier, the movement's theology is largely obscure and difficult to precisely determine or classify. We can only observe a few strands of its doctrines from the prophet's public teachings and the confessions of his followers. The church teaches salvation by faith through Christ but that is probably where its similarity with mainstream Christianity seems to end. Its eschatological doctrines is largely obscure and hence difficult to piece together. It also practices an unusual type of repentance where the followers put on sackcloth and ashes and match through local towns wailing and weeping ostensibly in mourning for the community and nation. It appears to portray itself as the crusaders of a new wave of moral consciousness in Christianity. 

There is some overemphasis on miracle healing experience and the followers claim that their leader is gifted with unique powers by which he heals the sick and to prophesies about the immediate and distant future. He is even reputed to call down dark cloud and rain from heaven and to raise the dead! However, these claims have not been independently verified. This is consistent with a charismatic/prophetic ecclesial feature.

Dr. Owuor is credited with a number of prophecies touching on Kenya and the world, some of which are yet to materialize. One of his famous predictions a few years ago that I can vaguely recollect was that half of the city of Nairobi would collapse under an earthquake which shall be part of God's judgment on Kenyans. It never happened. Some of his faithful later claimed that the prophecy was not necessarily intended to literally occur but was rather symbolic of the spiritual weight of the sin of the nation!

Dr. Owuor once claimed on a live TV interview that his movement was distinct from the other churches because, unlike then, God spoke to him directly in person. He also claimed that God directly called him into prophetic ministry and often speaks to him about the spiritual condition of the nation so that he receives messages for political leaders as well.

During the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020, Dr. Owuor reportedly claimed to have released the epidemic at on the world as part of God's judgment. These strange claims are often the subject of debate in Christian circles. He has lately gone silent, no longer hosting public meetings. 

Does God speak through a single prophet alone?

A few years ago Dr. Owuor organized a national repentance meeting at Uhuru Park, Nairobi. It was attended by tens of thousands of people including top political leaders. No other church ministers were invited to speak during the meeting.

A recent development has placed Dr Owuor's movement in a new theological perspective. The man claims to be one of the two dreaded witnesses of the Lord who are mentioned in Revelation 11. During one of his recent meetings in Nairobi, a journalist questioned this claim, having noticed that the preacher was unaccompanied by the second witness. This apparently angered the preacher and he retorted that there were two witnesses ministering in the meeting, and that one was shorter! Of course no such witness was visible.

His followers believe that their leader will be heading to Jerusalem at the close of his ministry to preach and that he would be martyred there in accordance with the teaching of Revelation 11. The Bible nowhere teaches or implies that the two witnesses would also minister outside the city contemplated in Revelation 11:1-12 during their forty two months of public ministry. It is instructive that none of the dreaded acts associated with the two witnesses has been witnessed in Dr. Owuor's public ministry!

Dr. Owuor began his ministry as a bishop. He was thereafter referred to as prophet. Then came the superlatives: mighty prophet; mighty mighty prophet of the Lord and Mightiest prophet of the Lord. Mmmhhh. Lately, possibly from 2018, Dr. David Owuor earned a new title: he is referred to as one of the dreaded witnesses of the Lord!

What is his next designation? Is he headed for divinity?

Dr. Owuor recently taught that his followers should not go to God without first hearing from him. This is contrary to the teaching of Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:5 which teaches that "For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus."


Is Dr. Owuor's movement a biblically centered church?

While this question is difficult to answer directly, I would pose the following further questions and leave to the reader to draw their personal conclusions.

1) Dr. Owuor often speaks of or makes reference to other churches as "they" or "them", or "mainstream church". If a church leader hardly recognizes or acknowledges other mainstream Christian communities as legitimate, what is the biblical standing of his church movement? Are the rest of the churches fallen and lost and is his movement the exclusive way to God?

2) Why does the movement encourage believers from other Christian communions to leave their mainstream churches and join their movement? What new or special doctrines do they provide beside what other churches teach?

3) What and where are their articles of faith?

4) Why does Dr. Owuor accept heavy salutations such as "Mighty Mighty Prophet of God"? Does this not border on biblical blasphemy? Is it not taught in Scripture that God alone is mighty?

5) Why do his followers wash and clean roads leading to the venues of his meetings? Is is this not equally an act of cultic worship and blasphemy?

6) What became of the dozens of prophecies he predicted about Kenya including the sinking of a section of the City of Nairobi?

7) When his followers claim that their prophet has read the entire Bible on their behalf and exclusively listen to his radio broadcasts and read his publications, is this a healthy church practice? Is this not evidence of manipulation and control?

8) Why does Dr. Owuor travel with huge convoys of powerful limousines to his meetings, complete with a charade of armed and civilian security detail? Is this not an act of extreme avarice and immodesty for a church minister? Who funds his luxurious lifestyle?

9) What is the purpose of his famous long goatee and the white tuxedo that he regularly adorns? Does this attire carry any religious significance or symbolism?

10) Who ordained Dr. Owuor into ministry and what church umbrella body is his movement affiliated to?

These are just but a few of the many hard questions that we should wrestle with in arriving at a fair conclusion concerning the identity and faithfulness of Dr. Owour's movement to the tenets of Scripture. The Bible warns in 1 John 4:1-3 that we should test every prophecy to see if it is from God. We are required to examine the movement's fidelity to establish the substance of its biblical foundation, if any. Every Christian movement should be open to scrutiny in line with Biblical truth.

It is my hope that this article shall stimulate healthy discussion on this movement.

© Ezekiel Kimosop 2019

[This article was partially revised on 20th October 2022]

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Secret to Abounding in Christ


By Ezekiel Kimosop

2 Corinthians 8:7 says "But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us — see that you abound in this grace also."

Which is this grace?

In the passage of 2 Cor. 8, Paul was exhorting the Corinthians to emulate the faith of the Macedonians who  liberally gave their contribution to the Jerusalem saints who were faced with famine yet there was every reason to excuse them because of their poverty and afflictions. The Macedonians were a poor Christian community compared to the Corinthians.

The Corinthians, a more privileged community, were slothful in honoring their pledge and one year down the line they still had not fulfilled it.

Paul therefore used the opportunity to encourage them to make good their promise even as they abounded in Christian faithfulness. 

In the course of his exhortation, Paul outlined some important truths in the above Scripture that we shall briefly examine. 

The Apostle recognized that the Corinthians should abound in five key areas, which we can recognize as important pillars of Christian growth and maturity - faith, speech, knowledge, diligence and love. 

Just what do these things mean to us?


Faith here represents our convictions on the truths that God has graciously revealed to us in Christ. These convictions begin the moment we come to saving knowledge of Christ They are thereafter firmed up with time as we mature in Christ. 

It is instructive that the Corinthians were a young Christian assembly that struggled with with fundamental spiritual truths. Paul acknowledged that they were now steadily abounding or growing in faith. This is a far encouraging assessment if we can recollect his sharp rebuke in his first Letter.


Our speech should be pleasing to God and should demonstrate the spiritual wisdom that is fashioning out in us as we grow in Christ. The Corinthians were often given to ungodly boasting and pride. They stoked divisions in the church as they focused a seif leaders of choice.

The Bible describes the tongue as a dangerous human organ that should be controlled or tamed (James 3:1-12). It can build or destroy relationships. 

The Bible exhorts "...let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God" (James 1:19).

Colossians 4:6 says "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."

Titus 2:8 exhorts to be of "...sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you."

What do you convey by your speech? Someone said that a person's character can easily be discerned from their speech...


A famous Kenyan cartoonist once depicted a character who claimed to be knowledgeable in global affairs and had widely traveled. Someone commented that the man knew "geographia" (kiswahili for Geography).

The man replied that he had never been to "Geographia"! By this he betrayed his empty boasting. The man had actually never been to school and had never traveled beyond Kenya! 

The Greek word "gnosis" for knowledge is employed in Greek philosophy to denote a person of great wisdom and understanding in matters of their specific discipline. 

The Gnostics were a Christian sect that believed to posses superior knowledge of God. Unfortunately, they denied the humanity of Jesus Christ. They could not comprehend that Jesus was fully God and fully Man at the same time. Gnostic heresy was decidedly rejected by the early church fathers. 

Paul's use of the Greek word "gnosis" was in connection with the believer's knowledge of Christ and the pursuit of the things of God. The more we grow in the knowledge of Christ, the stronger will be our faith.  

Philippians 3:7-8 says "But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ."

Knowing Christ crucified and the purposes of His finished works of the cross is the ultimate knowledge that we can ever possess on earth. 

Do you seek to grow in the knowledge of Christ? His mind and His voice are found in the biblical Scriptures and in nowhere else.


A diligent Christian community is a watchful group of believers. They are careful to watch their moral and spiritual conduct as they look forward to the soon return of Jesus Christ. It is motivated by the call to " soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age" (Titus 2:11-14).

We should be conscious of the constant intrusions that impact on our Christian practices so we do not drift away in the manner that the Ephesians did (Revelation 2:1-7). 

We should discern the times and discover the will of God in our circumstances. 


Paul notes that the Corinthians abounded in love towards him and his apostolic team. This statement is instructive. 

The Corinthians had a violent conflict over leadership that resulted in sharp divisions. Paul rebuked them for their immaturity in his first Letter.

At the time of writing the second Letter, Paul acknowledged that the Corinthians had grown in their love towards the very people who they originally embraced as they delivered the gospel to Corinth but later disobeyed them amidst the confusion from their wrangles.

Christian love is a natural response that comes from the hearts of people whose hearts have been transformed by Christ.

A Christian community should not only love one another but hold their leaders in esteem, knowing that they labor for them in ministry. This is the agape love that seeks nothing in return other than to glorify God.

1 Peter 1:22 says "Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, 23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever."

Love is the greatest expression of the depth of our transformation from darkness to light. Christian love transcends race, culture, class or region. It is the cord that binds us together as God's household, a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:9). 

This love propels us to Christian submission and causes us to bear with one another in Christ. Love is the greatest of all Christian values above all is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

How is our love for God's people and is it discernable in our Christian living?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Old or New Covenant? Scripture is Indivisible


By Ezekiel Kimosop

I came across this question in Facebook. I have also heard it asked in some forums.

There's  a brother in Christ that I know of who has issues with some books of the Old Testament Scripture simply because their teachings fly in the face of his unbiblical doctrines.

He misinterprets some passages of Genesis 1-3 and outrightly rejects the doctrine of Christian suffering that is taught in the Book of Job. He teaches that Job is an outdated Book whose truths have been overtaken by the New Covenant teachings.

The man mistakenly believes that Christian suffering always has to do with the disobedience of the believer, arguing that a loving God cannot subject His children to suffering! Nothing can be further from the truth! The Bible is replete with illustrations that reveal that God tests the faith of His children in order to build them in the Faith.

This brother also rejects pastoral priesthood saying that all believers are priests. Again, this theology is informed by his unbiblical view of the Levitical priesthood taught in the Old Testament.

While it is true that all believers are priests in Christ, it is equally true that God has ordained priestly functions through biblical church offices. The church elder or overseer is in fact a priest! He takes charge of his flock (Acts 20:28-30; 1 Peter 5:2-4).

My view is that the Old Testament Scripture are the foundation of the New Covenant truth that is revealed in the New Testament Scripture. We cannot embrace one set of the cannons of Scripture and discard the other. The two are not only complimentary but they are indivisible in the articulation of divine truth.

God speaks across both cannons of Scripture and both are inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17). He is the author of the two cannons of Scripture.

For instance, Christ's coming and His atoning works of the cross are reckoned in the New Testament Scripture as God's response to the fall of Adam which is taught in Genesis 1-3.

If a believer ignores the Genesis account on the creation and fall of Man, they will inescapably fail to appreciate the efficacy and significance of the works of cross that Christ accomplished.

All the Old Testament Scriptures - narratives, wisdom literature or prophetic writings - point to Christ. The New Testament Scriptures carry several quotations from the Old Testament Books.

I am therefore pursuaded that any believer or Bible teacher who rejects the Old Testament Scriptures or sections thereof, effectively denies the voice of God to a dying world and invariably misrepresents the fundamentals and the foundations of the finished works of the cross that find their fulcrum in the Old Covenant.

We should either accept the authority, infallibility and inerrancy of the entire body of Scriptures or we reject it all. They are indivisible.

It is that simple.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Where was God? Lessons on the Life of Job


By Ezekiel Kimosop


Bible scholars are largely divided concerning the dating and authorship of the Book of Job.

Those who place the dating of the book within the Iron Age date it after 1200 BC.

Some scholars have identified the book with the period of the reign of King Solomon when wisdom literature was highly valued. Solomon is believed to have written the books of  Proverbs and Ecclessiastes as well as some of the Psalms.

It is however difficult to precisely date the book of Job for the following reasons:

1) The location of the land of Uz has been hard to establish. Some believe that it could have been in Edom which was next to Israel.

2) Job's lineage is not identified in the book or in any other part of the Bible.

3) The fact that Job offered burnt sacrifices for his children (Job 1:5) has led some scholars to believe that Job may have lived during the time of the patriarchs and not during the period of the kings.

Marauding bands of raiders (Job 1:17) were common during Abraham's day (cf. Gen 14).

4) Unlike during the age of the kings, there seems to have been no organized religious worship in Job's time. Job, like Abraham, worshipped God alone.

5) The length of Job's life could strongly suggest that he may have lived within post-Noah generation and probably before Abraham


The identity of the author of Job has also been difficult to determine.

According to the NKJ 2007 introduction to Job, several possible authors have been speculated including King Solomon and two of the Book's characters namely Job and Elihu.

Some have also mentioned Moses but given the reference to iron tools and weapons (Job 19:24, 20:24, 40:18) and iron  ore mining (Job 28:1-2), Moses' authorship of this book has been seriously discounted by some.

However, if Job pre-existed Abraham and Moses, then this theory could find some merit.

There is also a close resemblance between the writings attributed to Solomon and sections of the Book of Job [cf. Job 7:17,18 and Ps.8:4 and Job 28:8 with Prov. 3:7, 9:10].

The Book of Job is largely a poetic/wisdom literature book which can be loosely classified with the Book of Psalms and the Proverbs.


Job the man is no doubt the central character of the book. Job is first introduced in the book as a wealthy and devout man who catches the attention and approval of God (Job 1:1-5). He is described as a man who was blameless, upright and feared God (Job 1:1). This does not however suggest that Job was sinless! He was simply morally upright.

His family and his wealth is listed in Job 1:2-3).


Job 1:6-12 reports on Satan's attack on Job's character.  Satan claims that Job was faithful to God because of the material benefits he had received from God and the favors that God had bestowed upon him.

God permitted Satan to test the spiritual integrity of Job but not to harm his life (Job 1:12).

We learn from the revelation of New Testament Scripture that nothing ever happens to God's people without God's permissive will and that our spiritual suffering ultimately serves God's purposes (Romans 8:28).

Job suffered devastating destruction in various dimensions as Satan wrecked havoc through sustained attacks on him and on his family.

He lost all his children and his entire wealth and was struck with leprosy, leading him to stay in isolation for the period of infection (Job 1:13-2:13).

Surprisingly, Job's reaction to his tragedy was with measured and godly deportment or conduct. He kept his cool in the midst of unbearable pain. This proved that Job was a spiritually mature person whose devotion to God was unquestioningly firm.

The writer records that Job did not sin with his lips (Job 2:10). This is a biblical confirmation that Job acted righteously even in his worst moments of life. He refused to curse God or blame God for the afflictions.

This proved that God's previous assessment of Job's moral integrity was consistent and accurate.

God alone can carry an accurate assessment of our spiritual standing. He alone holds the divine barometer by which he tests the hearts of men (Jeremiah 17:9).

Job rightly recognized and accepted that his suffering was within God's permissive will. This agrees with 1Cor.10:13.

However, Job acted humanly. In the intensity of his pain, he regretted that he was ever born, a claim that indirectly touched on God's sovereignty. He openly expressed his pain and frustration.

Wouldn't we do the same in our pain?

This perfectly showed his weak human side. Unlike Jesus who perfectly overcame temptation, Job was not perfect or sinless even as he was upright and blameless by God's grace. This is true of us who are in Christ too.


Two of Job's three friends did not make matters any better for him. One of his friends called Eliphaz openly attributed Job's tragedy to some sin that Job may have committed. God later disproves this claim (Job 42:7).

Eliphaz could not identify the specific sin but his claim was based on his limited understanding of sin and divine punishment.

He had no idea that God can bring trials upon the righteous. He ought to have known better! His theology about God was limited by his narrow human understanding.

Eliphaz's claim is recorded in Job 4-5. One question is noteworthy in his long dialogue with Job: He posed an important question, saying, "can a mortal be more righteous than God? Can a man be more pure than his Maker? (Job 4:17).

Eliphaz goes on to argue that if angels of God can err, [which is true about Satan], how much more can an earthly mortal be found with sin and error?

These words reveal one of the most powerful scriptural truths that is affirmed in the New Testament scriptures which teaches that no human being can be perfect in God's eyes [1 John 1:8-10]

The dialogue or discourse between Job and his friends runs on until Job 37 and reveals their amazing depth of theological revelation and wisdom. This leaves no doubt that this Book was inspired by the Holy Spirit!


Elihu, who was the youngest of Job's three friends, spoke of awesome truths about God and God later vindicated him by requiting
him of any blame.
He condemned the self righteousness of men and proclaimed God's goodness, impartiality and majesty (Job 34-37). This was amazing piece of wisdom coming from a young man!

Spiritual wisdom can defy human age and experience. It is the gift of God.

Paul told Timothy never to allow anyone to despise him on account his youthfulness but firmly teach and rebuke all alike without partiality.

Your pastor may be a young man or woman, perhaps unmarried. However, their youthfulness cannot affect the discharge of their spiritual mandate that God has bestowed upon them.


When God finally speaks for the first time to Job in Job 38-39, He appears to affirm Eĺihu's thoughts and reveals His omnipotence and sovereignty to Job.

Job is finally confounded and admits that his wisdom was nothing compared with God's. He kept silent in God's presence.

When God speaks no mortal can dare answer Him back.

Job exclaims in awesome fear: "Behold I am vile;  what would I answer you? I lay my hand over my mouth." (Job 40:4).

None of us has any legitimate standing or the right of reply in God's presence! We ought to be still for He is God (Ex. 14:14).

God goes on to demonstrate His divine power over all creation.

In Job 42, Job repents of his foolishness and is apparently forgiven (Job 42:1-6).


Job's two friends are sharply rebuked by God for their foolishness and are ordered to take burnt offerings and go to Job who will pray for them lest God's wrath falls upon them!

Notice that for the second time God fondly refers to Job as "my servant". None of Job's friends shares in that privilege!

Those who faithfully serve God and fear Him have a special relationship with Him.

When Moses was rebuked by his sister Miriam and his brother Aaron for marrying an Ethiopian woman and Miriam arrogantly question his leadership mandate, God swiftly came to his defense and Miriam was sharply rebuked and slapped with leprosy!

How often we too misrepresent the mind of God when we mishandle the scriptures using our human wisdom!

Job was commanded to pray for his two friends Eliphaz and Bildad. By this act, God confirmed the priesthood of Job.

We too are a royal priesthood in Christ. Do we often pray for those who offend us?

Surprisingly Elihu, the youngest of the three men was spared the wrath of God, suggesting that his theology was apparently balanced!

Divine wisdom often defies human wisdom. Age is not an indicator of biblical wisdom. Divine wisdom is spiritually discerned by persistent and prayerful search of Scripture and by relying upon the Holy Spirit.

Do you have time for the study of the word of God? How is your view of God? Is it biblically  wholesome or severely wanting in some sense? We should never blame God for every pain we suffer or misrepresent His divine truths contained in the Scriptures.

God takes great exception to those who distort the truth of God's word for selfish purposes. If they do not repent, they will be severely punished.


The restoration of Job is recorded in Job 42:10-16. God restored Job's material loss on a twofold basis. Notice that his children born to him after his tragedy were not doubled in number. Some Bible scholars suggest that Job's children were not lost eternally but that their souls were preserved in the presence of God.

Job's family came to comfort him for the adversity that God had, by His permissive will, brought upon him and to celebrate his divine restoration.

This teaches us that no matter how much disadvantage we suffer in this world, God will ultimately restore us in Christ.

Job lived a further 140 years, long enough to see four generations of his children.


The book of Job is rich in moral and spiritual lessons. I will identify just a few for the purpose of this article.


We learn from the story of Job that no believer can escape the spiritual trials that God reserves for His saints. This should lead us to view Christian trials and afflictions in a positive sense. There was no specific sin that triggered the trial of Job. God alone determined it in accordance with his divine purposes.

Just as He did to Job, God often does the same to His saints even today and in diverse ways (James 1:2-4).

It is therefore unbiblical to attribute every trial or problem we undergo to Satan just as many Bible teachers mistakenly do today. Christians will and do often suffer in ways that God alone understands. Let us be patient in suffering even as we pray for divine relief.


The fact that we may not recollect any specific sin does not in itself imply that we are sinless or perfect in God's sight. No one is ever without sin except Christ! We are justified by God's grace in Christ (cf. 1John 1:7-10).

The Bible teaches that Christ was tempted in every possible way yet was without sin.

The Bible further teaches that God made Him who knew no sin to be sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ (Hebrews 4:15;  2Cor. 5:21).

The Bible declares that our righteousnesses [apart from Christ's] are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). We cannot please God by our own effort even with the best works. The theology of works taught by the Roman Catholic Church is misleading and unbiblical. No one is justified by good deeds but only by the grace of God in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).


Eliphaz and Bildad applied their human wisdom in their attempt to describe the nature and the working of God. They miserably failed.

This is perfectly what this fallen evil world tries to do in seeking to portray a false picture of who God is. Any portrayal of God outside the picture revealed in the Bible is false and corrupted.

For instance, human science which tries to explain the nature and source of the universe to the exclusion of the hand of God always miserably fails!

The Bible teaches in 1 Cor. 1:19 that God will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

The revelation of God can only be perceived or discerned spiritually and never through scientific research or human philosophy.

The Bible contains the full and final revelation of God to man through Jesus Christ.

Those who reject or ridicule the divine works of Jesus Christ are lost to depravity and, like Eliphaz and Billy, can only be restored to God though the High Priesthood of Christ.

Nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse sin. Job was therefore a foreshadow of Christ.


We should always glorify God because in Christ we find our true anchor and security.

Satan was defeated at Calvary. His word of deceit does not count anymore. Only Christ's blood that speaketh better things than Abel's does (Hebrews 12:24).

The Bible asks in Romans 8:33, "who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth."

There is absolutely nothing to fear if we are in Christ. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. We are forever hooked to Christ.


The restoration of Job reminds us of our final restoration in which Christ will usher us into eternal glory when He shall be revealed (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). 

The Bible proclaims in Romans 8:17 that "If children [of God], then we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him [Christ], that we may be glorified together."

Nothing is more assuring than to know that even as we suffer in this passing evil world, we shall ultimately reign with Christ forever! (Rev. 20:6).


In conclusion, the book of Job mirrors the sufferings of Christ and His saints and the reward that awaits us in heaven.

This world will neither understand us fully nor adequately explain the secret of the joy that we have in Christ which we graciously possess by His Spirit.

God alone fully knows us in every conceivable dimension. 

Satan cannot determine or circumvent our destiny in Christ.  His fate is sealed and his destiny is in the lake of fire.

Let us therefore rejoice that our hope is secure and our future sealed in Christ because, as Scripture teaches, "we are dead to this world and our life is hid with Christ in God" (Col.3:3).


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit


By Ezekiel Kimosop


Jezebel is first introduced to the Bible reader in 1Kings 16:31. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians. Ahab son of Omri married her in violation of Genesis 34:27 (also cf. Ezra 9:2) and knowingly permitted her to entrench the worship of Baal in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

The Sidonians were known for their worship of Baal, one of the famous Canaanite gods that, together with Chemosh, the Moabite god, were classified as the most detestable deities in the eyes of the God of Israel (2 Kings 23:13). It is instructive that the Hebrew meaning of the name Jezebel is "Baal exalts" while her father's name Ethbaal means "with Baal". Interestingly, Chemosh means "subduer", a reference that we shall encounter in this article in relation to the covert actions of Jezebel, who is perhaps reckoned as the most wicked queen that ever set foot in the royal courts of Israel.

How did the union between Ahab and Jezebel come about?

It was a common practice among ancient Middle Eastern kings to exchange daughters as a show of friendship and goodwill. The Jews were however forbidden from intermarrying or engaging in political or military alliances with Canaanite kings (Ezra 9:12). There was a godly reason for this prohibition. The idolatrous Canaanites would desecrate the monotheistic worship of the God of Israel and the intermarriage would ultimately pollute the holy seed (Ezra 9:2). 

This happened in Solomon's case as well. The Bible says in 1 Kings 11:1 "But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites." 

One does not require a PhD in theology to discover the theological dissonance and incongruence behind this variety of heathen women. They were all from idol worshipping Canaanite groups and nations whose association with God's covenant people had been forbidden in Scripture. This foreign influence is illustrative of the moral decline among sections of God's people who choose to mingle and intermarry with the heathen and unbelieving people today. They end up in ridicule and moral ruin. Samson is perhaps another classic example of an unholy dalliance and riotous living with heathen women. The rest, as the say, is history (see Judges 14-16). 


In 1Kings 18:4, the Bible records that Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD. This was in reference to her vicious and systematic persecution of God's prophets in an effort to entrench Baalism in Israel. She first destroyed the covenant worship of the God of Israel and establish her idolatry. She later fought off the prophetic voices that condemned her wickedness. Ahab never condemned or restrained Jezebel. He was possibly a victim of her systemic manipulation and coercion. 

Jezebel drew great fear among the remnant of God's true worshippers who had to escape for their lives or hide in caves (1Kings 18:13,19:1-4). After Elijah killed the 450 prophets of Baal in his spirited moral reformation, Jezebel sent him a threatening message, swearing by her gods to take his life in revenge. Elijah was shaken. He was forced to flee Israel for his life but God preserved him along with 7,000 others who had never bowed down to Baal or kissed him in worship (1 Kings 19:18). We learn from Elijah's experience that God always preserves His remnant of faithful people in every generation of human civilization, even under the worst scale of persecutions. 

Are you a remnant of God in your generation?


One of the most pronounced attributes of Jezebel was perhaps her manipulative power by which she fraudulently seized Naboth's vineyard after falsely accusing him of blaspheming God and the king and having him stoned to death with his sons (1Kings 21:1-16). Naboth, a godly man, had refused to sell to Ahab his parcel of land situated in Jezreel, next to the palace, citing Jewish custom on generational land inheritance (1 Kings 21:3). Jezebel usurped the instruments of royal authority and wrote letters in the name of the king, and constituted a kangaroo court to hear false accusations against Naboth. Jezebel's intention was to eliminate Naboth and take over his land. She succeeded in her evil scheme. God sent Elijah to proclaim judgement upon Ahab and Jezebel. Notice that Ahab gladly took over the land even after he learned about the death of Naboth, a fact that did not make the land available to anyone except his sons or in their absence, his immediate close relatives [see the illustration in Ruth 4:1-12 concerning Elimelech's inheritance].

It is perhaps instructive to note that Jezebel was feared above the king. She was the real power behind the throne yet no royal authority was vested in her. She was merely an imposter. This is a common feature amongst powerful royals and rulers the world over. A few powerful people, usually members of the immediate family or close relatives of the leader would exercise undefined powers, often eclipsing the ruler. Some African dictators today are ringfenced by a cabal of family power barons who call the shots on critical issues of national importance. Some sit in key state organs courtesy of their influence in the corridors of power. Those who cross their paths will live to regret it. 

How did Jezebel manage to accomplish her evil schemes with such boldness?

Jezebel had mastered the art of manipulation and control which is common with witchcraft and high occult. She had completely subdued Ahab, rendering him powerless despite the trappings of royal authority. This is the unwritten script of the power and modus operandi of the Jezebel spirit when left unchecked. In her context, it appears that Ahab was weakened by his lack of godly zeal for moral justice. His was perhaps a laid-back and rotten monarchy. He ought to have restrained the wicked Sidonian woman but he miserably failed to do so. It was a fait accompli


God's judgement on Ahab and Jezebel was swift and devastating. He decreed that Ahab will suffer for his evil, saying, "in the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine" (1 Kings 21:19, KJV). Ahab's offspring would not be spared God's judgment either. They would be cut off from Israel and those who will die in the city shall be eaten by dogs while those dying in the field shall be eaten by the fowls of the air (1Kings 19:24). Ahab, like Adam, took the moral responsibility for the excesses of his wife that ultimately brought him down. 

A similar judgment was reserved for wicked Jezebel. God decreed that dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. This prophecy came to pass with divine precision (see 1Kings 21:21-24). Surprisingly, and unlike Jezebel, Ahab expressed remorse for his transgression. He tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and  mourned. On this account, God graciously decreed that the judgment on his house would not come in his lifetime but will definitely fall on his sons after him. It was justice deferred but not mitigated. The prophecy on Ahab was finally fulfilled after he was killed in war. The death of Ahab is recorded in 1Kings 22:34-38. It is instructive that dogs licked his blood upon his death. The wages of sin is death. 

Amaziah son of Ahab reigned after Ahab but he was equally wicked. He followed the ways of his wicked mother Jezebel and worshipped Baal and other Canaanite gods (1Kings 22:51-53-2:1). Amaziah reigned only two years in Samaria before he lost the throne (1Kings 22:51-53). Again this is evidence of God's displeasure on Ahab's lineage.

The death of Jezebel is recorded in 2 Kings 9:30-37, indicating that it may have come long after Ahab's death.  She suffered a violent death under the Jehu uprising, a well deserved end for her heinous murders and her desecration of the moral foundation of God's covenant people. In fulfilment of God's judgement, Jezebel was thrown from a window facing the Valley of Jezreel and, as was prophesied concerning her, dogs ate her body and only the skull and legs and the palms of her hand were left (2 Kings 9:35). This was a royal disgrace by any standards! God's word was ultimately fulfilled. 

Ahab's sons were later massacred in fulfillment of God's decree on Ahab's family (2 Kings 10:1-17). 

God finally destroyed Baal worship by the hand of Jehu who unfortunately went into disobedience thereafter. His heart was not fully committed to the LORD and he went after Canaanite gods. God reduced the size of territory of Israel in Jehu's day. He strengthened the hand of Hazael king of Syria and caused him to strike the coasts of Israel (2 Kings 10:31-32). The moral decline of a people or nation is always evidenced by spiritual and physical ramifications.  


How can we identify the Jezebel spirit?

The spirit of Jezebel is the most dangerous force behind the apostasy that is prevalent today. This spirit is manipulative, coercive, vindictive and vengeful. It employs fear, threats and intimidation in order to have its way at whatever cost. It breaks all moral restraints in its quest for the usurpation of the throne or any seat of power. The Jezebel spirit subscribes to the evil notion that the end justifies the means. Make no mistake; this corrupting spirit can manifest itself in men and women and is not restricted to the Christian community context. It can rear its ugly head in homes, workplaces, political systems and in any place where power or authority is exercised. It requires a "palace platform" to effectively operate. It is always meticulous and ruthless, restless and viciously fights those opposed to its evil schemes in order to preserve its manipulation and control over the rest of the people. It seeks to silence the courageous voices that oppose its tactics and tools of trade. 

A manipulative false teacher or dictator may appear popular and smart and may even enjoy his share of fame for a season. When God finally exposes them for who they truly are, the world will reel back in shock! Adolph Hitler's Third Reich was driven by the Jezebel spirit. It mercilessly massacred millions of Jews simply because they hated their sociocultural and economic influence on German life. Kim Jong, a modern world despot, sits at the helm of the North Korean authoritarian regime that has employed extreme manipulation and brainwashing in controlling his people since taking over from his father in 2011. He is literally worshipped as a deity by the hapless masses! Any resistance to state authority is swiftly crushed and state defectors are pursued and eliminated. 

Jezebel excelled in cowering and silencing a whole nation by usurping the instruments of the throne from its legitimate holder. We need to watch out lest the Jezebel spirit creeps into our church congregations and state institutions and fosters strife, defiance and rebellion. Notice that the Jezebel spirit is always belligerent, seductive and will not repent of its misdeeds. It is symbolic of spiritual rebellion per excellence! (see Rev. 2:21-23).

The Jezebel spirit covertly seeks to be worshipped and exalted. It defies legitimate authority and exalts itself in the place of God. It is an Antichrist spirit, utterly ferocious and cruel. It seeks the centre-stage as its altar where it goes for the jackpot. Its ultimate mission is to dethrone the true agents of God and to plant its counterfeit systems in their place.

This is the spirit that Jesus warned the church of Thyatira about saying in Revelation 2:20-21, "Nevertheless, I have a few things against you because you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality..." The mention of Jezebel in this text is a metaphoric reference to a counterfeit or apostate teacher or group within the Thyatira Christian community and their polluted teachings that misrepresented the Person of Jesus Christ and His finished works of the cross.

False teachers may sound mystical and authoritative by their claim to the prophetic mantle and special revelation but these are tools of deception. Their objective is to seduce the minds of their subjects into total submission and silence. Those who ultimately fall away from the true faith are perhaps their first-fruit  (1Timothy 4:1). My view is that these false teachers are not part of God's covenant people. They must be unmasked and condemned by Biblical Christianity for what they truly are - counterfeit forces that seek the downfall of God's people.


There are several moral lessons that can be drawn from the rise and fall of Jezebel. We shall conclude our study with seven lessons outlined below.

1) God's people should always resist the Jezebel spirit and its agents

God's people have no fellowship with apostates. Their destiny is sealed (see Jude 1:16-19). The Jezebel spirit can aptly be described as an embodiment of spiritual apostasy that is evident in sections of Christendom that have departed from the authority of God's word. Jezebel polluted the worship of the true God of Israel through official idolatry that was sanctioned from the highest office in Israel. She was an icon of apostasy among God's covenant people. 

Apostates are people or groups whose ultimate objective is to drive God's people away from the worship of the one true God of Scripture. Some apostates surreptitiously creep into unsuspecting Christian congregations or communities and teach error using sweet sounding words. They finally gravitate towards heresy and full blown apostasy, a point of total departure from all that Scripture stands for. One notable apostate in Scripture is Balaam the son of Beor who led the children of Israel into idolatry. He was killed under God's judgement in Numbers 31:1-11. In 21st century Christianity, several counterfeit groups have wreaked havoc on Biblical Christianity by denying the foundational and fundamental truths of God's word including the divinity and offices of Jesus Christ and His finished works of the cross. 

Apostates are agents of Satan that are out to destroy the religious life of God's people through explicit and covert means but God will ultimately expose them for what they truly are. 

2) True followers of Jesus Christ should keep away from the abominations of the Jezebel spirit

Jezebel's marriage to Ahab was an abomination engineered by Satan. It was the case of holy seed adulterated by wickedness and rebellion. A follower of Jesus must be on guard, praying in the Spirit lest the Jezebel spirit subdues them. The Bible asks in 1 Corinthians 6:14 "...what communion hath light with darkness?". God's people must keep their garments unsoiled by the dissipations of this passing evil world. Ecclesiastes 9:8 says "Let your garments always be white..." This is a reference to moral chastity for God's covenant people. 

Besides, Scripture cautions us in 1 John 4:1-3, saying "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world."

Where do you draw your spiritual inspiration from? Who is your prophet?

3) Dereliction of moral responsibility attracts God's wrath

Christian leaders should not delegate their moral responsibility assigned to them by God. God will hold us to account. Ahab was held personally liable for the evil schemes that Jezebel executed in his name and under his watch. People who exercise spiritual or legal authority are personally answerable to God for the excesses that are committed by those under their watch. Eli the priest was punished by God for failing to take action against his wicked sons (1 Samuel 2:27-36). Ahab and other wicked leaders in Israel were destroyed under God's righteous judgment. 

Are you exercising full command and diligence over the assignment that God has placed under your stewardship?

4) God will punish evil no matter how high it is committed

Royal authority or high office cannot insulate a person from God's sovereignty and justice. Ahab's case serves as a warning to the high and mighty that the consequences of their evil actions would catch up with them at God's appointed time in this world or in the world to come. The great and the small alike shall ultimately stand before the great white throne in judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). The Bible warns in Galatians 6:7, saying, "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap".

5) There will be a price to pay for our Christian convictions.

God's people will face persecutions in this world by reason of their spiritual and moral convictions in Christ. Jesus said in Mark 13:13 "And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved." God will finally vanquish all evildoers and consign them to eternal damnation in the lake of 🔥. 

6) God is exceedingly merciful and compassionate beyond measure.

The Bible proclaims that God's compassions never fail (Lam.3:22). He was touched by Ahab's remorse despite the gravity of his sin and evil. God reached out to us in Christ while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). No sin is beyond God's forgiveness. The sinner must genuinely repent and forsake his wicked ways in order to receive God's pardon (2 Chronicles 7:14).

7) God's word will come to pass no matter how long it takes

It took a number years before Ahab and Jezebel were punished for their evil. It took several generations of Eli's lineage before his priesthood was finally terminated when Abiathar the priest was defrocked by Solomon and placed under a royal decree (see 1 Kings 2:26-27).  The Bible says in Numbers 23:19: 

"God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"


Let me conclude by saying that the spirit of Jezebel is an embodiment of evil per excellence. It is a counterfeit religion and system that countermands the worship of the true God. It is the high priesthood of Satan hiding under the cover of Christianity or state power. It must be unmasked and condemned. Only those who are watchful in the Spirit can discern this demonic force and the works of its agents whenever they arise. This is not to suggest that those who hold opposing views in our churches or institutions are necessarily under the Jezebel spirit. We need wisdom in handling legitimate criticism and to examine and rectify our failings under the fear of the Lord because no person is ever perfect.

© Ezekiel Kimosop 2019

Monday, August 5, 2019

Is it Biblical to Celebrate Christmas?


By Ezekiel Kimosop

This question always arises during the Christmas and Easter seasons as atheists, scholars and Christian skeptics write long articles in leading newsletters questioning the legitimacy of this age-old Christian traditions.

While I agree with the view that there is no express command in the New Testament Scriptures that compels believers or Christian communities to celebrate Christmas or Easter, I disagree with the notion that the celebration of these events is unbiblical or ungodly.

Let me qualify my statement below.

The Bible does not convey specific commands for every instruction or prohibition, and neither does it describe every issue known to man today by specific words or terms.

For example, Evangelical and Pentecostal Christian traditions forbid their faithful from consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco, cigarettes, and addictive narcotic drugs of various descriptions, yet there is no express prohibition for such items in the New Testament Scripture!

So if [God forbid!] that one faithful came to church one Sunday morning with a bottle of Vodka or puffing a Fidel Castro cigar and sat in the pews while arguing that alcohol or cigarette smoking are nowhere mentioned or expressly prohibited in the Bible, how would the minister handle that kind of situation?

The argument that there was no specific mention of the celebration of Christmas or Easter by the New Testament Church [assuming that this claim is biblically valid] is no reason for discarding these noble church traditions at the click of the finger!

Here is why...

Most of the Christian traditions that we observe today were developed by the church over centuries of Christian practice. Some of the traditions do not even appear in the New Testament Scriptures yet we consider them godly! How do we justify them?

The New Testament Church practices captured in the Bible are silent on any other celebrations besides the Lord's Table and Baptism.

It is however instructive that the church never had everything right in one stroke! It methodically developed doctrines and practices over the centuries, even as it discarded others along the way.

We can observe from Acts 6 that some church offices were possibly inaugurated by default or under some exigences of sorts! They were later carefully reconstituted with clear guidelines for the church (1 Timothy 2:8-15, 3:1-13; Titus 1:6-7).

Notice further that the qualifications for those serving tables were possibly overstated so that Stephen, an evangelist by calling, was mistakenly assigned to serve tables as a deacon.

Stephen was shortly thereafter martyred while doing what he knew best - preaching the word of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, yet this ministry was the preserve of the apostles!

Now back to our Christmas and Easter issue...

Just as pointed earlier, one does not require a specific biblical command to discern that a particular thing or practice is permissible or prohibited.

We need to appreciate the holistic nature of the biblical Scriptures when read in their passage contexts and in truth.

To my knowledge no such word as "Christian wedding" or "church wedding" exists anywhere in the Bible, but few Christians would doubt that church weddings are legitimate biblical practices for the Christian community if we accept that Genesis 2:22-25 and other relevant Old Testament Scriptures speak into this practice.

My guess is that if we went by the "letter of the law" approach, such practices would definitely be open to debate.

The Pharisees had a penchant for reading the letter of the law and ignoring the spirit of the law and Jesus often rebuked them for their hollow religious legalism (see Matthew 23:23 on the teaching on the tithe].

There is no manifest error with Acts 12:4 regarding the use of the word Easter in the KJV as alleged.

Leading Bible translations such as NAB and the NKJV 2007 editions render the same word as "Passover" which carries the same meaning as Easter.

My view is that it is inappropriate to conclude that there was a translation error in the above scripture without any exegetical evidence.

The mention of Easter or Passover in this verse is significant in showing that the Passover celebration took a new meaning when Christ, the Passover Lamb, was offered at Calvary.

It is therefore regrettable that some Bible teachers choose to rubbish these holy commemorations by declaring them unbiblical or unchristian!

It is instructive that the 2nd to 4th century church era is collectively understood as the early church period which ended after the 4th century when the Roman Catholic Church subverted the word of God by creating a religious dynasty that advanced teachings and practices that contradicted the authority of Scripture.

The Roman Catholic Church ruled the Christian sphere for nearly 1,000 years, teaching heresy and persecuting the true church until late 1400s when resistance to its apostate reign arose from reformers such as  Martin Luther.

By late 1500s to mid 1600s, the Reformation  began to take shape until the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church were totally rejected by the Protestant Reformation.

Now back to our Christmas and Easter issue...

I find no evidence in the Bible that the celebration of Christmas or Easter is sinful or that it violates any passage of Scripture.

I regret to state that the conclusion carried in the article which opposes the Christmas and Easter traditions is based on arguments advanced by New Age Bible teachers and has no biblical merit at all.

The argument that Christmas or Easter are reserved for the gathering of friends and that these two occasions "have lost their original religious significance" is decidedly false.

The people of this world may have their own idea about Christmas or Easter but this in no way implies that the church should discard these important celebrations!

If anything, we should retrace our lost convictions on these and other important Christian traditions that have been discarded.

While Christmas relates to the celebration of Christ's incarnate birth, the Easter celebration reminds us of the suffering that Christ endured for our redemption and His triumph over death through His resurrection and ascension to heaven.

To blot out the two celebrations from our Christian calendars, under the pretext that they are not commanded by Scripture is, in my considered view, sacrilegious and a great dishonor to our Risen Lord!

Now as regards when Jesus was born, I agree with the author that Jesus may not have been born on 25th December. However, dates aside, the commemoration of His birth is significant to the true followers of Christ.

Those who insist on dates other than the traditional December 25th are at liberty to celebrate on any date(s) that they consider to resonate with their convictions.

Let me conclude by saying that Christmas and Easter celebrations are close to the hearts of those who love the Lord.

Those who chose not to celebrate these seasons are at liberty to do so. However, any attempt to discredit these important Christian calendar dates by appealing to church history is hollow and futile!

Both celebrations are biblically legitimate and nothing concerning their celebration or commemoration by the church community violates the Scriptures.


Now, away from the Christmas and Easter debate, I wish to observe that it is sad that in this day and age, many legitimate church doctrines and practices are under a steady barrage of arsenal from the enemies of the true church who masquerade as Bible theologians but are guided by a revisionist agenda.

These false teachers have targeted and discredited traditional biblical values so that sections of the Western church has bowed to their evil concepts such as feminism, gender equality, gay rights, relativism, and many other false and unbiblical concepts.

It may only be a matter of time before the enemy's agenda spreads across the global Christian communities, including Africa!

These opponents of biblical truth have even revised the Holy scriptures to agree with their concoction of falsehoods and their evil concepts are now creeping stealthily into modern Bible translation editorial panels.

A number of modern paraphrase Bible translations have departed from the fidelity of passing on the truths contained in the biblical Scriptures.

By resorting to contemporary thought rather than the timeless truths contained in the original manuscripts of Scripture, these "translators" have done an interpretation mess rather than a faithful translation of the word of God.

It is now feared that in the next few decades, the word of God, as we know, it may be lost to succeeding generations, thanks to the evil forces that seek to pollute the Scriptures in order to conceal the authority of God's voice in His word.

It is no wonder that Paul instructed Timothy to commit to faithful men all the teachings he had learnt from him so that they too may teach others (2 Timothy 2:1-2).

Sadly, this generation of faithful men is steadily declining in numbers even as  false teachers take center stage in the "gospel enterprise industry".

God will however preserve His remnant in all ages of human civilization even as Christ shall tarry. It is this remnant that will always stand out to be counted.

© Ezekiel Kimosop 2019