Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Understanding Biblical Offices And the Gifts of the Holy Spirit


By Ezekiel Kimosop


I have taken time to read through most of this article by Bishop Tony Owens Titled "Mis-Title To Be Entitled I"

While I agree with the author that coveting titles is ungodly, there are controversial assertions that he makes which take the focus of the author into deeper waters.

I will briefly address these aspects below.

I do not believe that the concept of fivefold ministry is consistent with the post New Testament Church period. My view is that this popular concept has been overstated and misapplied by sections of the Charismatics/Pentecostals beyond what is contemplated in the Bible.

Here is my response that captures my theological opinion on the article. I must caution here that I have not done a comprehensive response to every detail or assertion in the article. I have simply sieved what I consider to be sufficient for my response.


Here is my itemized response:

1) The office of Apostle ceased with the New Testament Church period. I have already argued this position under a number of articles posted on this forum.

My view is that the New Testament apostles have already laid the doctrinal foundation for the Church through their inspired writings that are contained in the Bible and which, in my view, are sufficient for us.

We do not therefore require any further apostolic inspiration or works in our age or in those to come. This is the position held by conservative Evangelical tradition and which I hereby affirm.

2) I further hold that the office of Prophet did not exist in the New Testament Church, and neither was it revived by the Holy Spirit. This office was not instituted under the regulations of 1 Timothy 3:1-13. The Bible does not contain a single record of an independent prophetic ministry in the New Testament Scripture.

There is therefore no independent prophetic unction outside the plenary gathering of the Church congregation. However the gift of prophecy is exercised by a pastor and a Bible teacher when they speak the mind of God through their admonitions in the teaching of the word of God.

3) Following the close of the apostolic period in the First Century, the Biblical offices of the church consist of the following

A) Bishop/Pastor/Elder

B) Teacher

C) Evangelist

D) Deacon

(cf. 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 5:17; Titus 1:6-7).

4) There is no new revelation besides what is written in the two canons of the 66 Book Bible. We hold that Scripture is inerrant, authoritative and final and that it conclusively and exclusively conveys the mind of God to the Church.

When a Bible teacher claims that the Holy Spirit gave him a revelation, this claim must be handled with great care. The revelation must be consistent with the express or implied teaching of Scripture. The men of Berea exercised this noble duty by verifying what Paul and his associates taught against the teachings in the Septuagint (the Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament Scripture) (Acts 17:10-12).

(cf.1 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 John 4:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Any revelation that manifestly contradicts the word of God is decidedly false.

5) The gifts of the Holy Spirit are liberally granted by the Holy Spirit for God's purposes. They are specifically intended for the building and edification of the Body of Christ and not for personal benefit (1 Corinthians 12:1-11). .

Since the Church is God's physical kingdom agent on earth, the Holy Spirit grants her the discernment by which she can distinguish between the various gifts of the Spirit and their bearers within the Assembly.

A congregation can therefore identify and tell these gifts among its believers. We don't require a special revelation to tell between a Pastor and an Evangelist!

These are distinct gifts.

The Evangelist is an outdoors minister of the gospel who proclaims the Gospel to the lost and leads them to Christ. The Pastor is an indoors minister who shepherds and guides his flock in the truths of the word of God.

However, a congregational pastor can and often doubles up as a Bible teacher. It is impossible to effectively shepherd a Christian congregation without the gift of teaching.

This is the more reason why theological training is indispensable for an effective congregational pastor and Bible teacher.

Scripture handled by a novice in a Christian congregation can be compared to an aircraft being navigated by an air hostess rather than a trained pilot.


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2020

Sources: By the Holy Spirit through Bishop Tony Owens.
House Of David Five Fold and Ministries Network Inc. and Tony Owens Ministries Inc.             1(407) 703-4559

1 comment:

  1. I agree my brother that the ministry of prophecy, apostleship, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching among others are still going on. As to the question about the offices of prophets, apostles evangelists etc we will need to search the scriptures and take time to learn from the Lord.
