Thursday, March 19, 2020

Keeping our Minds on Godly Stuff


By Ezekiel Kimosop

I came across a publication by Sylvia Browne which was posted on a Christian social media page. It is said that Sylvia Browne predicted about the COVID 19 virus epidemic. 

According to Wikipedia, the late Sylvia Browne was an American fiction author who once claimed to be a medium with psychic abilities. She died on 20th November 2013 aged 77.

Ms Browne is credited with many false predictions and was once convicted of theft. She is not a Christian author. She once claimed to have observed heaven and angels. This is pure heresy!

A medium is a person who claims to communicate between spirits of the dead and human living beings. One such case is described in 1 Samuel 28:3-25 where the medium of En Dor raised the spirit of Samuel the prophet at the request of king Saul. 

A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses.

Both mediums and psychics employ demonic powers in their practices. Mediumism is condemned in the Bible. Remember that God rejected Saul for, among other things, consulting mediums.

This painful edict is captured in 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 which says "So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, because he did not keep the word of the Lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. But he did not inquire of the Lord; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse."

When we neglect to seek the mind of God on life issues, we are likely to fall prey to false teachers.

My view is that we should approach Ms Browne's writings and literature with caution. She is definitely not a spiritual source for the Christian community.

My plea to believers everywhere is that we should approach the latest epidemic with spiritual integrity. Let us walk with hope and encourage others to trust God in order to contain the pandemonium.

Let us pray without ceasing, having in mind the catastrophic impact that this epidemic is likely to bring into our nation.

There's lots of talk of a possible lockdown as the next step after the current shutdown. This would literally keep us all indoors without access to shops and markets for a given period. 

Those who rely on daily wages would suffer most because they will not make ends meet. This is the reason that we need God's hand to move in this situation.

The Bible should always remain our source of spiritual nourishment, comfort and guidance during this difficult moment. Let's always turn to the Scriptures for guidance and seek the face of God for divine intervention. 

Let's also be our brother's keepers by sharing biblical exhortations from our personal devotions so that we are strengthened in the Lord.

There's so much scary stuff doing the rounds in social media concerning COVID 19 virus and this also calls for our wisdom and prudence. Do not circulate such stuff to others. Just delete them when you receive.

If you are not sure about their admissibility, please consult your Pastors.

You can always approach your pastors with questions that touch on the biblical view of such epidemics. 

I have written a cautionary article that warns on the rise of false prophets who claim that God spoke to them directly on COVID 19. 

Ignore such teachers and their messages! God only speaks to us through His word which is sealed in the Bible. 

I have shared the link on this page. 


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