Tuesday, October 6, 2020

John 6:44 Does Not Support Calvinism


By Ezekiel Kimosop

Calvinists often quote John 6:44 out of its passage context and make it a proof text [alongside a host of others] in support of their doctrine of Irresistable Grace which, in my view, is not supported by Scripture. 

Notice the two conditional phrases in John 6:47-51 which Calvinists conveniently ignore. They fall into the passage of context of John 6:41-59 in which John 6:44 lies.

Let's examine them below: 

1) Jesus says "He who believes in me has everlasting life" (John 6:47)  There's an obligation on the sinner who hears the gospel proclaimed. They MUST believe in Christ as a precondition for receiving eternal life. There are no favourites for whom God's grace is reserved! All sinners stand on equal footing, having fallen under Adam and deserving of God's condemnation. 

2) Jesus says "If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever" (John 6:51). Again a conditional phrase is given. The eating is a metaphoric reference to exercising faith in Christ. This is a responsibility that falls on the sinner who, having heard the gospel proclaimed and is convicted of his sinful condemnation, submits to Christ by the exercise of faith. 

There are dozens of other passages of Scripture that affirm human responsibility for responding to God's grace and which Calvinism overlooks. My view is that it is nowhere taught or implied in Scripture that God's sovereignty is diminished or His glory taken away if a sinner must accept or reject the gospel. If anything, it is God's design for salvation that the sinner must exercise his liberty and hence take responsibility for his free will choice.

John 12:32-33 says "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” 33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die."

This Scripture teaches that salvation is available to ALL who believe the gospel message and submit to Christ (cf. John 3:16; Romans 10:14). 

Christ is lifted up through the faithful proclamation of the gospel to the sinful world.

John 12:32-33 further affirms the unlimited atonement in Christ Jesus that God has made available to ALL men in all ages since Calvary without any discrimination whatsoever. 

Those who reject Christ or His message of redemption are responsible for their decisions and for this reason, God will judge them (Revelation 20:7-15). My view is that salvation involves God's grace 100% and Man's responsibility 100%. Neither contradicts the other and the two are not mutually exclusive!

Any doctrine that denies this truth violates the express teaching of Scripture and misrepresents the mind of God.

© Ezekiel Kimosop 2020

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