Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The 70th Week of Daniel


By Ezekiel Kimosop

Most Bible prophecy scholars agree that once the final seven year Middle East peace agreement revealed in Daniel 9 is signed, then the final seven years of Daniel's 70th week will commence.

There is also general consensus among Bible prophecy experts that the church is now in the prophetic gap between the 69 weeks [483 years] which were fulfilled between the time that the decree to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem was issued and the death of Christ [when the Prince was cut off]. Read Daniel 9:25-27. The biblical numerology of 70 weeks translates to 490 years. To obtain the 69 weeks we simply deduct 7 years to arrive at 483 years.

The prophetic time clock was apparently suspended by God between the time that Christ died [approximately 27 AD] and the commencement of the final seven year period of the Antichrist treaty.

God foreknew that if the divine clock was not suspended, we would easily work out the figures on how much time is left!

God deliberately withheld the revelation or manifestation of the Antichrist until His appointed time is fulfilled.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-10 describes the events leading to the revelation of the Antichrist. The description is vividly awesome.

Here is the sequence...

First the falling away of the apostate church must take place. This does appear to have been largely fulfilled today. The false church is now more visible and has the fastest growing number of followers than the true church!

False prophets and their heretic message have taken the global center stage today and heresy is widely acclaimed at the expense of Bible truth!

This falling away or apostasy will be followed by the unveiling of the Antichrist and the rest of the events will follow the biblical script with surgical precision, leading to the conclusion of the final end time drama after the false treaty is signed by the Antichrist [Daniel 9:25-27). Once the final agreement is signed between the Antichrist and Israel, the world will fall into a false lull....but not for long.

This false treaty will usher in the final seven weeks (years) of Daniel.

What is apparently clear is that whatever time this event will unfold  remains a divine secret for which God alone holds the password.

I believe that believers and the church community who will be alive in the final 70th week will see the Antichrist and identify him. This is because the Bible elaborately describes his person, his works and his final destiny.

Could this then imply that the pre-tribulation rapture theory may fail? Or will the believers/Church see the Antichrist and be snatched away shortly before the tribulation period begins?

I am convinced that the mid tribulation theory is plausible and appears to better fit into the wider biblical frame of eschatology.

We may never be certain on this!

What is clear is that our security in Christ will never be lost either way!

Thankfully, Matthew 24 clearly confirms that even though we may not know the day or hour of His coming, we are definitely in the season of Christ's coming today. This is because most of the prophecies contained in Matthew 24 have already been fulfilled.

We should not fear the future because Christ is our hope of glory. He holds the future and no person who comes into saving faith in Him will be lost.


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2018

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