Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Fruit and the Lie


By Ezekiel Kimosop

William Marion Branham was an American false teacher who founded the Branhamist sect. He drifted from biblical truth into high heresy and apostasy.

Braham taught that the fruit eaten by Eve was not a literal one but was merely symbolic of an illicit sexual union between the woman and the serpent that gave rise to Cain.

He further claims that Abel was the product of the union between Adam and Eve.

Contrary to Branhamist theology, the Bible nowhere teaches that the fruit was symbolic of any act or sexual intercourse. It was a literal fruit from a literal tree in a literal garden that was in a physical location before the flood of Noah.

If Branham's theory was true, why did God command the couple to multiply and subdue the earth in Genesis 1:26-28? How would the command to multiply be fulfilled without sexual intercourse?

Secondly, Branham's theory implies that Adam was not the father of all the human race. Such a conclusion violates several passages of Scripture and mocks the finished works of the cross!

The account touching on the creation and fall of Adam is accepted as a literal truth in biblical Christianity.

There is nothing in the entire body of biblical Scriptures that suggests or implies that allegories or metaphors were intended in this section of Scripture.

God created all things in six literal days. He created man, both male and female; He rested (ceased) from His creation works on the seventh day.

This does not suggest that God was so tired or too exhausted to continue. The seventh day was simply God's appointed time for completion.

Cain and Abel were both Adam's seed and both had the sinful blood of Adam flowing in their veins!

The judgment in Genesis 3 was a literal judicial order from God whose consequences continue to live with us today. The Bible teaches that man apart from Christ continues to be separated from God because of Adam's transgression.

Those who dismiss the creation account or take a symbolic interpretation of the same are heretics.

Without the foundation of the truth revealed in Genesis 1-3, the works of the cross would be meaningless and our hope of redemption would be a mirrage!

Branham's theory on the fall of man remains nothing but heresy. It cannot and will not stand the scrutiny of biblical truth.

© Ezekiel Kimosop 2019