Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Dealing with Tragedy - Lessons from David's Response


By Ezekiel Kimosop


The passage of 1 Samuel 30 is a continuation of the events that are reported in 1 Samuel 29 that culminate in 1 Samuel 31. David's offer to fight alongside the Philistines in the battle of Jezreel had been turned down by the Philistine commanders who feared that David may betray them to Saul.

David and his band of 600 men returned to their Ziglag camp with heavy hearts. Little did they know that God had divinely superintended their withdrawal from battle for what awaited them at their camp!

After their three day journey back to Ziglag, the men were in for a rude shock! 1 Samuel 30:1-8 relays the story of tragedy, devastation and divine intervention rolled together. This is where we draw important lessons on how we should handle the tragedies or devastations of life.

It is instructive that no believer or Christian community is free from the afflictions of this passing evil world.

The passage of 1 Samuel 30 reveals seven critical phases in David's response to his circumstances of tragedy.


The first stage is the stark pain of tragedy. David and his men found their camp reduced to ashes and there was not a single soul who could explain what exactly took place or where the enemy had fled. The Amalekites had taken away their wives and children together with all their possessions. This incident is captured in 1 Samuel 30:1-8.

This is how sudden tragedy can and may arise when one is least prepared.


The immediate reaction by David's team to the devastation was an outpouring of heart rending grief and emotion. The men wept until they had no strength (1 Samuel 30:4).

Weeping is a healthy response to devastation and pain. I know that in most African communities, men are taught never to weep! However, God gave us tears for this natural purpose and weep we should for ourselves and for those we love.

Jesus Himself wept when He saw the pain at Lazarus' home (John 11:35). The Bible teaches that we should rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15).


Following their pain and anguish, David's men broke the team spirit and began to lay blame on their leader David and some even sought to stone him to death! (1 Samuel 30:6). The team spirit should be gaurded in the face of tragedy lest the weak link is broken!

It is perfectly human to seek to lay our problems where we believe they lie. However, this should be handled with wisdom. If David was to blame as a leader, where does that leave his loyal men who willingly accepted to travel to the Philistine territory with him? The entire team was collectively negligent in not making adequate security arrangements at the camp during their absence.

Did they perhaps presume that their desert camp was secure for the period they would be away? Were there sentries who were overpowered by the Amalekites? Scripture is silent on the details!

These may have been just but a few of the many hard questions that rang through their minds as their painful picture infolded. Someone said that leaders should have a thick skin because they will ultimately be the centre of focus when things go awry! Their wisdom and fortitude must count.


Unlike his men who completely lost hope, David exemplified mature spiritual leadership. 1 Samuel 30:6 reveals that David, though heavily distressed by the loss of his wives and children, was deeply grieved by what his men were seeking to do. Nevertheless, David rose above the rest and through him, the needed leadership was found. Great leaders rise from the ashes of ruin and hopelessness. God ultimately uses them to shape the direction of things and offer practical solutions.

To his credit and to the glory of God, David acted differently from his men! He sought refuge and comfort in the LORD! The Bible here states that David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.

A great leader discovers God's leading in tragedy and leads his people towards God. Weak leaders lead people through blame games and witch hunts and self preservation. They lead people further and further away from God.

David here gives us important lessons on crisis management. Solutions to our many problems only begin to unfold when we turn to God for answers. It is only God who has the answers to our life issues. No witchdoctor or diviner has access to the mind of God in our difficult times. God alone is the source of our eternal security.

Psalm 18:2 says "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.


David sought the wisdom and direction from God regarding the way forward for his immediate problem. Despite his vast military experience and prowess, and the many victories for which he was decorated and celebrated, David knew that without the hand of God guiding him in his lowest moments, his effort would be an exercise in futility.

David turned to God in prayer and sought His divine leading. He asked God whether he should pursue the enemies and whether he would overtake them.

Notice that a three day gap between David's return from Jezreel and the fleeing enemy forces may have been strategically impossible to bridge. David and his men may have feared for the worst. They may have thought that the enemy had probably decimated their captors. This was the worst case scenario.


God graciously gave David the answer to his tragedy, having seen the sincerity of David’s heart before His presence. He directed David to pursue the enemy saying that he will overtake them and recover all!

We need a discerning spirit to appreciate what God is saying to us concerning our difficult circumstances.

Our actions should be informed by divine wisdom in the word of God and patience in the presence of God so that we may walk with confidence in confronting the many troubles of this life. God never called into comfort and bliss. He however assures us of His presence.

As for David's case above, God miraculously provided vital intelligence details and direction using an abandoned Egyptian slave who was part of the raiding party (1 Samuel 30:11-15). The man had been left to die in the desert after he fell sick. This was miraculous in all proportions because usually such people were killed by the enemy to eliminate any possibility that they may be captured and betray the enemy's cause. God permitted the Amalekites to abandon this sickly man for a divine purpose.


1 Samuel 30:16-20 records the glorious victory over the Amalekites and David's bountiful recovery of great booty. None of their families were killed. They had simply been taken as war prisoners, perhaps with the intention of enslaving them or killing them later.

God graciously preserved David's people not just because David was faithful to God and served him with dedication but because God is gracious and merciful. He often covers our backs!

We need to appreciate that even when we walk faithfully before God, He may permit some afflictions to come our way to to test our faith. Some tragedies result in unpleasant outcomes even for God's people. However, we must remain steadfast in allowing God to have His way in those painful circumstances.

All the great men and women of the Bible were tested under severe afflictions. Some even perished but God later approved them (Hebrews 11). We should therefore hold a healthy view of trials and afflictions and reject the health and wealth heresy.


This passage has taught us vital lessons in dealing with tragedy or crisis in our Christian lives. David knew where the secret of his success lay. He always turned to God.

Do you and I turn to God in our lowest moments or do we blame others for our misfortunes? What afflictions are you now undergoing and what prescriptions are you contemplating?

Let us always turn to the Lord for answers to the many afflictions affecting us, our families, our Christian communities; our society and nation at large.

God alone has the answer.


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2020

[This article first appeared on L & D WhatsApp Forum on 02/03/2017. It was sparingly revised on 24/06/2020]


  1. This has taught us certain challenges do occurs so that God uses to manifest himself
    Thanks oboiforthe message

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I wish you could indicate your name. You seem to be someone known to me.
