Monday, March 11, 2024

Divine Intervention: Lessons from Esther 8-10



By Ezekiel Kimosop 

Esther 8-10 is the concluding section of this captivating historical narrative that reveals God's intervention for the exiled Jewish community in Persia.

God used Esther and Mordecai to lobby the royal corridors of Persia and rescue the Jewish people from imminent extermination by wicked Haman and his agents. 

Haman was earlier executed in Esther 7 when his evil plot was discovered by the king. 

In Esther 8-9, God touched the king and he reversed the edict against the Jewish people and permitted them to avenge against their enemies. The extermination orders were reversed under a royal decree and Mordecai was elevated to the second highest position in Persia. 

The Jews celebrated their victory and the day Purim was commemorated in Jewish calendar as a memorial to God's rescue and preservation of His people. 


Here are some of the moral lessons that we can collate from the text:

1. Time is of essence to God. He works through seen and unseen timelines of history to fulfill His purposes for His people. 

2. We should never hesitate in presenting/submitting our petitions to God no matter how perilous the circumstances may be. Esther and Mordecai demonstrated outstanding courage, fortitude and resilience in this context. They stood out for the Jewish people under great risk to their lives. 

3. God desires that we exercise moral restraint in our pursuit of justice. The writer of Scripture reveals that the Jews refrained from taking the plunder from their enemies even though they were permitted to do so under a royal decree. This reminds us that there is a limit to our vengeance beyond which God should have His way. 

God proclaims in Deuteronomy 32:41: "I will render vengeance to My enemies, And repay those who hate Me." (cf. Hebrews 10:30). 

4. No matter how wicked a state system or organization may be, God can influence its affairs through the corridors of power to fulfill His divine purposes for His people. No nation or community is beyond God's divine influence. 

5. Believers are God's divine agents in this evil world. God seeks to use us to influence the affairs of our societies of context. 

6. Evil people will be punished at God's appointed time. No matter how long it takes, God's justice will be finally served on the wicked (cf. Revelation 20:11-15). 

7. Our battles are God's. Our victory celebrations/commemorations should glorify God, not us. 2 Chronicles 20:17 says in part, "...stand still and see the salvation of the LORD...". 

8. Even though God is not directly mentioned in the entire Book of Esther, His divine influence is profoundly asserted at every stage of the narrative. 


Have you or your family witnessed God's miraculous intervention in a perilous situation in your lives? What was your response to God's gracious intervention at the time? 

Are you possibly going though a trying moment in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed and that God is far from you? Take courage and wait upon Him. Our God, the God of Esther and Mordecai is faithful. He will surely come for you at His appointed time. Our help comes from the LORD (Psalm 121). 


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2024

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