Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Unmasking Christian Heresy and Apostasy


By Ezekiel Kimosop

What is Christian heresy? This is the propagation of Christian teachings that contradict or deny the fundamental truths taught or implied in the word of God.

A heretic will often reject biblical correction. A person teaching error and who is conscious of the leading of the Holy Spirit will often accept biblical correction and desist from the error. This is where the difference lies.

An apostate is a false teacher who has completely withdrawn from the traditions and foundations of biblical truth and no longer recognizes other churches as true.

An apostate engages his followers in deep manipulation and locks and isolates his followers through brainwashing and extreme cultic control. An apostate is a heretic gone bad.

For quite a while now I have written extensively on cultic heresy and posted several articles on this forum touching on heresy and apostasy.

I have openly exposed leading false teachers who masquerade as prophets and apostles and identified some of these false teachers directly without fear of contradiction.

This has not been an easy walk for me. I have collided with many heretics and some who were members of this forum but were sympathetic to some strains of Christian heresy left the forum abruptly after realising that there is no room for their false teachings on this wall.

I tried to pursue one of them who I happened to know through ministry work but without success. The man joined the New Apostolic Revival movement which is a rapidly growing movement. This movement totally rejects the authority of the Bible and teaches all manner of the so called "revelatory and prophetic" messages.

We later met with the brother on Facebook and I tried to engage reason but his FB friends ganged up and threw insults at me calling me a Pharisee. I was forced to block them and move on.

In my Facebook teaching forum by the same name, and on my personal page, I have daily encountered many false teachers and their followers who stand out and resist biblical truth.

Those of you that are new to this forum can visit my Facebook teaching page LISTENING AND DOING BIBLICAL DISCUSSION FORUM and follow the conversations. You can ask to be added.

I have also discovered that there are those teachers who teach specific types of error though they are not downright heretic. For this type, it is easier to engage and reason than with those under cultic manipulation.

Please pray for me and other Bible teachers who engage in teaching ministry because it is not easy being a Bible teacher. One often walks alone.

Paul was perhaps the greatest New Testament teacher. He wrote 13 New Testament letters and possibly 14 if we credit the authorship of the Letter to the Hebrews to him.

Paul articulated extensively on Christian doctrine and often confronted false apostles and religious leaders who viciously resisted his ministry. He left for us his great works which were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Let me conclude by stating that we need courageous men and women in our generation who are willing to stand up for biblical truth at the cost of being isolated and despised.

This is the price to pay for being Christ's watchman in this age.

© Ezekiel Kimosop Teaching Series 2018

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