Monday, July 1, 2019

What is the Five Fold Ministry?


By Ezekiel Kimosop

I have come across a number online Christian literature which hold that the church presently operates on a five fold ministry and that all these "offices" are essential for the effective operation of a church congregation or Christian community.

Here is my take on the five offices mentioned in the above Scripture.


The New Testament Apostles laid the foundation of the church. This foundation was, in my view, completed during the New Testament church period.

Given the requirements listed in Acts 1:15-26 that a candidate for apostolic office must have been an eye witness of Christ's resurrection, there can be no living Apostle today. Those carrying the title of Apostle today should best be designated as bishops.

Why did Paul mention the office of Apostle in the Ephesians 4:11?

Some Bible teachers say that this Scripture is evidence of continuing apostolic office.
If this claim is true, why was the apostolic office missing from the early church period?

Did the church accidentally forget to replace the New Testament apostles for 1900 years until the Pentecostal revival in the early 1900s?

Not at all. Here is why...

There is evidence from Scripture that Paul's mention of the apostles was of historical significance. Some of the Apostles were still alive at the time. However, three decades later, all had passed on.

My view is that the apostolic office was not contemplated beyond the New Testament period because the apostles had already laid the foundation for the church through their inspired writings.

According to the following biblical qualifications were mandatory for apostolic office:

"First, an apostle had to be an eyewitness of the resurrected Christ (Acts 1:22; 10:39-41; 1 Corinthians 9:1, 15:7-8).

Second, an apostle had to be directly appointed by Jesus Christ (Mark 3:14; Luke 6:13; Acts 1:2, 24; 10:41; Galatians 1:1).

Finally, an apostle had to confirm his message and ministry with miraculous apostolic gifts (Matthew 10:1-2; Acts1:5-8; 2:43; 4:33; 5:12; 8:14; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Hebrews 2:3-4). No one beyond the first century is able to meet these qualifications."

I concur.


Prophets spoke the mind of God during the Old Testament period. This role was concluded by Christ who was God's final prophet.

Jesus prophetically speaks to us today through His written word in the sealed Scriptures (Hebrews 1:1-2). 

The gift of prophecy (forth telling) is however discharged by pastors and teachers when they speak the mind of God in exhortation.

Prophecy is a congregational or plenary gift.

I concur with the view that there is no independent office of prophet in a biblical church today.


Evangelicalists are charged with proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the sinful world. They are outdoor ministry workers. They simply preach the word of God out there and lead men to Christ. The pastors and teachers pick it up from there.

Philip and Stephen were prominent evangelists in the New Testament church. They fearlessly proclaimed the gospel and Stephen was martyred for his bold ministry (Acts 7-8).


Pastors are charged with shepherding the flock of Jesus Christ in a church congregation. They also forth tell and speak the mind of God to the church congregation through the exposition of the biblical Scriptures. For this reason, pastors double up as teachers. They should have biblical training and the calling to ministry (2 Timothy 2:15)


Teachers are trained ministers of the Gospel who teach the word of God to the body of Christ. They can double up as pastors but their gifting is distinctly about the teaching Ministry.

Paul was a trained teacher of religion who sat under Gamaliel, the revered 1st century Jewish theologian (see Acts 5:34, 22:3).

The teacher explains the truths of Scripture more clearly and guide the church while exposing and warning against error. He works hand in hand with the pastor. They should therefore receive biblical training for ministry (2 Timothy 2:15-21).

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