Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Beware of False Prophets on COVID 19 Epidemic


By Ezekiel Kimosop

I listened to an audio clip by a Nigerian "prophetess" who conveyed a message purportedly received from God. I am aware that there are several other "prophets" who have lately arisen and who make similar claims regarding the COVID 19 Epidemic.

The message by the Nigerian "prophetess" violates a number of principles of Scripture.

Here's why...

1) The Bible says that God speaks to us through Jesus Christ and that the written Scriptures exclusively reveal and communicate His divine will for the Church (Hebrews 1:1-2). There's no reason to believe that God can speak through any other person. He cannot deny His word (Numbers 23:19).

2) There is no new revelation to the Church after the Biblical Scriptures were sealed. There cannot be any prophets today and any prophetic gift of the Holy Spirit shall be exercised within the plenary gathering of a Christian congregation (1 Cor. 14).

My view is that Biblical prophecy is communicated through the teaching ministry of pastors and Bible teachers who guide and instruct congregations of believers in truth.

3) The Bible is explicit on the exercise of spiritual authority in a Christian congregation (1 Timothy 2:8-14, 3:1-13; Titus 1:6-7).

4) Contrary to the claim by the prophetess, God does not kill people who are not willing to obey or serve Him. He simply picks those whose hearts yield to Him. Those who walk in spiritual rebellion will have their day before the great white throne (Rev. 20:7-15). The claim by this prophetess is therefore false.

5) While it is possible that COVID 19 could be part of God's judgments on our wicked world, this does not imply that God relishes in killing people or that the final judgment has commenced.

God does not delight in the death of the sinner. He laments, "Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?"

Sin and rebellion is the reason that this world is undergoing lots of life threatening epidemics today. We have ruined the environment through pollution and destroyed and even depleted some of God's resources on earth. For instance, man, not God, is responsible for the global warming that threatens severe devastations upon the earth.

My view is that this Nigerian prophetess is just one among several false prophets who have taken advantage of the COVID 19 epidemic to claim that God has spoken to them and/or brought the calamity through them.

Yes, God desires that men everywhere should repent and turn to Christ (Acts 17:30). However, God does not employ the approach described by this false prophet. He never forces men to come to Christ by a decree. Scripture is clear that whosoever shall believe in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Obedience to God is by choice. Choices have consequences (Joshua 24:14-15).

6) God will only separate the wheat from the tares when Christ shall come to take away His church and judge the wicked (Matthew 13:24-30). This time is yet to come.

7) The Bible contains a detailed description of the events that must take place before the coming of Christ. If we are faithful to the study of the word of God, we should not be fearful about the future even in the face of COVID 19 and other epidemics. We should trust God for His divine preservation in the midst of all these upheavals.


It is our responsibility as God's children to intercede for ourselves, our families and communities as well as our nation. We should repent of our sins and plead for God's mercy at this time.

Even as we pray, we should hold to the authority and infallibility of Scripture. It is the final voice on all matters of our Christian faith and practice. We should therefore test every spirit (or prophecy) to determine if the their teaching is consistent with the word of God (1 John 4:1-3).

We should also remain calm and focused on God and encourage others to trust God in these difficult times. God is sovereignly in control.

Finally, and this is equally important, we should submit to the regulations and procedures on safety and hygiene that have been proclaimed by the Government.

Ignore any "prophet" who teaches against the observation of hygiene, or the application of epidemic control procedures and emergency medical response.


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2020

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