Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Do we have Apostles and Prophets Today?


By Ezekiel Kimosop

This article was written in response to the following comment by Bro Lawrence Kibet who was reacting to my article which is accessible through the following link: https://ezekielkimosop.blogspot.com/2020/03/beware-of-false-prophets-on-covid-19.html?m=1

Here is the comment from Bro Lawrence Kibet:

///Much as I agree with much of what Bro Ezekiel Kimosop has shared in his blog I don't necessarily agree with his statement that there are no more prophets. That prophesy is ministered thru pastors and teachers implies that Apostolic ministrations are also thru pastors and teachers. It seems according to him, prophets and apostles are no longer there in the Church. Unless I misinterpreted his communication in the blog. I believe there is a need of clarification to clear the perception.

Bro Lawrence Kibet///


Once again I am privileged to engage Bro Lawrence Kibet on a Biblical issue. We have engaged in other discussions in the past.

Now to respond to the issue of prophetic office.

Bro Lawrence Kibet sought my clarification on the position of prophets in the Church today. He appears to be of the view that this office continues.

I have decided to include the office of Apostle in my response because I am of the view that both offices do not exist today.

Now to address his question...

Yes my position arising from my study of Scripture and giving regard to my Evangelical historical Christian tradition is that there are no living apostles or prophets in the Biblical Church today. This is not to suggest that the gift of prophecy is extant in the church.

My view is that this gift is exercised in a different manner from that identified with Old Testament prophets. It is subject to the authority of the written Scriptures.

My view is that the Apostolic office ceased after the New Testament Church period was concluded and the apostolic writings were made available to the Church.

There is no independent office of prophet either. This office was not instituted under the regulations of 1 Timothy 3:1-13. The Bible does not contain a single record of an independent prophetic ministry in the New Testament Scripture.

The mention of the offices of Apostle and prophet in Ephesians 4:11 was, in my view, in tandem with the foundation that God laid through these two offices in the Bible. Prophetic and apostolic teachings inform the bulk of the Biblical Scriptures.

My view is that the mention of these offices by Paul was not an endorsement of their continuity. I am aware that Charismatics use this Scripture as a template defense. Paul later wrote explicit instructions on New Biblical Church offices (1 Timothy 3:1-13).

For the avoidance of doubt, I wish to express my view that some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were evident during the period covered by the Book of Acts were never replicated. For instance, no living person can claim the power to raise the dead or author inspired Scripture without earning the title of false teacher!

Peter and Paul were the only Apostles who raised the dead and only on single incidents recorded in the Bible (Acts 9:36-41; Acts 20:7-12). The two were leaders of the two Church communions in the New Testament period.

Historically, Apostolic office was never reinstituted after the New Testament Church. The Early Church only instituted the office of Bishop in line with 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

I have addressed this issue in greater detail in my teaching forums including my website blog. I welcome Bro Lawrence Kibet to engage me there.

Here's the link.


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