Monday, May 25, 2020

Christian Response to COVID 19 Regulations


By Ezekiel Kimosop

I received a question from a brother in the Lord who sought to know how believers should react to the regulations touching on the present COVID 19 pandemic.

I must confess that I don't have a template answer to this question. It touches on unusual situation that is perhaps unprecedented in history. I will however attempt a response based on my discernment of Scripture on situations of this nature. Here are my thoughts.

Given the prevailing circumstances of global  lockdowns and restrictions that have seen churches closed down indefinitely, I can appreciate the feeling among believers who perceive that they have been shortchanged by the state. Some have argued that churches and other places of worship should be reopened subject to clearly defined safety precautions for worshippers.

I agree with the view that if people can be permitted into supermarkets, restaurants, buses and shopping malls under strict compliance with safety precautions, there's no reason to deny believers the same privilege on congregational worship gatherings.

The brother also prescribed a solution in addition to his question above. He suggested that believers should call on God for healing from the fear of diseases including COVID 19. He said that the word of God should heal and free (us) from any fear of death from any kind of disease sent by the devil, including Corona virus.

I agree with the brother that God is our healer and that no disease is beyond His power. God has indeed provided for us the perfect cure for our sins in Christ Jesus. There can be no greater cure for sinful humanity.

I believe that God heals our diseases whether through direct intervention or by means of medical science. Even where God permits a disease or pandemic to prevail, He will grant believers the grace to bear the unpleasant circumstances. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says "no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Scripture is our source of comfort because it communicates to us the mind of God concerning our circumstances and proclaims His promises to us. We should therefore daily turn to the word of God even as we seek His face in prayer so that we may connect with Him in devotion and fellowship.

Having said as much, my view is that we should submit to the safety precautions prescribed by our Governments against the COVID 19 pandemic. This is part of our civic responsibility that underlies our Christian obedience outlined in Romans 13:1-7 and other relevant passages of Scripture. We can never justify our disobedience to godly regulations from the authority of the Bible.

I am aware that some charismatic preachers claim that they can pray for healing from COVID 19 infections though there has been no evidence to back the claims. Others teach that the disease does not affect believers and is part of God's judgement on sinners! These claims are utterly false. There's no evidence that God is targeting non-believers with the pandemic!

Besides, it is undeniable that among those who are infected and/or have died from the COVID 19 pandemic are faithful Christians for whom earnest prayers were offered to God on their behalf.

It is regrettable that some clergymen who defied state regulations in their countries have needlessly exposed their congregations to COVID 19 infections and deaths. Some of these pastors have reportedly succumbed to the disease.

My view is that we (believers and Christian communities at large) should obey the civic authorities and submit to regulations proclaimed by the state that serve the good of the citizens and are consistent with the principles of the word of God. Where there's no known cure for a disease, as is the case with COVID 19, medical precautions should therefore be observed in order to contain the spread of the infection.

We should sanitize, wear masks and observe social distance as required. We should also obey the authorities on restrictions touching on congregational church worship until and unless it is safe to resume our church gatherings. These regulations definitely serve God's purposes for us under the prevailing circumstances. There's no evidence that they unfairly target Christians because all religions and faiths have been affected.

This is not to suggest that the civilian authorities are always right concerning the things of God. There are circumstances that the believers or Christian communities may disagree with the state on certain laws and regulations that they consider to contravene the moral principles of Scripture. For instance, a biblical Christian community will never accept any state legislations that supports abortion or unfairly curtail the freedom of worship.

In those circumstances, the Christian community should lobby and engage the state in dialogue through its representatives in order to air their grievances.

In some countries, especially in the Arab world and communist regimes such as China and North Korea, strict regulations are imposed on religion. Others subscribe to a single state religion. In most of these countries, Christianity is often outlawed and Christians are severely persecuted.

The case of Daniel's three friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego recorded in Daniel 3 is a perfect illustration of state interference on freedom of worship.

We should also bear in mind that there will never be perfect conditions for believers on earth. This world is increasingly hostile to the Christan Faith and, in the words of Jesus, things won't get any better (Matthew 24:3-14). We should brace for difficult seasons ahead.

The Bible says that we are strangers and pilgrims on earth (Hebrews 11:13). No  matter how convenient or trying life turns out on this side of the sun, we are always on a journey of faith as we look forward to the soon coming of Christ.

We therefore ought to "run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:1-2).


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2020

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