Friday, May 1, 2020

Stay on the Word


By Ezekiel Kimosop

We live in a time and season when the health and wealth gospel (prosperity gospel) rules the airwaves.

Prosperity teachers present a corrupted and hollow gospel that tickles the ears of their audience and yet is totally inconsistent with truths of Scripture.

These teachers of heresy and their followers were predicted in Scripture (cf. 2 Timothy 3:1-9; 4:1-5). Millions are today hooked to this this religion of Mammon.

How should the child of God scale the trying times in the face of this spiritual pollution?

Now that our church congregations cannot gather because of the current restrictions under the COVID 19 pandemic, many believers are exposed to all manner of online messages.

I recently opened one of our leading local TV channels on Sunday morning trying to get some spiritual nourishment. I was shocked to find that a number of them were hosting false teachers including a false prophet from Uganda.

Unless we spend time studying the Bible and receive proper instruction in truth, we may not easily distinguish between false teachings and biblically centred messages on screen.

We therefore need to take time to regularly study the Bible in order appreciate the balanced truths of the word of God regarding this life and the one to come so that we may build our faith on the right foundation and stay focused on Christ in all seasons.

No matter what we experience today or in the days to come, God's mercies for us endure forever (Psalm 136).Jesus promised that He will always be with us (Matthew 28:20). How is Jesus with us yet in heaven?

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, eternally abides with us who call on His name. This is the assurance that we should hold onto at all times even as we look forward to the soon coming of Christ (Titus 2:11-14).

Let us therefore encourage one another in the Lord.


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