Monday, July 1, 2019

Is there salvation outside Christ?


By Ezekiel Kimosop

Since the questioner has ruled out religious pluralism in this context, we can therefore restrict our analysis to the word of God.

This is a powerful question which requires our careful examination of Scripture for answers.

Allow to briefly distinguish between the two paradigms of revelations of God that theological scholars have identified.


The first revelation is what is described as general revelation.

This is understood as the manner in which the general will of God is understood by all men in all human civilizations.

For instance, human societies have sets of moral principles which, among other things, acknowledge the sanctity of human life or prohibit certain harmful things that threaten human existence as we know it. This is the foundation of human morality.

It is therefore undeniable that God gave men the moral conscience by which to determine right and wrong. He gave us consciences by which we may judge things and ascribe the existence of the universe to intelligent design.

This revelation leads men to believe that a supreme being exists and governs human affairs in some way. This revelation is definitely limited and does not project the divine truths of God that can be identified in the Bible.


The second type of revelation is what scholars refer to as special revelation. This is exclusively found in the word of God. It is premised in the fact that God is distinctly and exclusively understood through the study of the word of God in the Bible.

In this context, the Bible scholars hold that God sovereignly chose to reveal Himself to humanity in an exclusive way and only in this manner can men discern His nature and perfect will.

God chose the nation of Israel through which He may fashion a specific people as a model society by which the nations of the world may learn of Him.

As part of this special revelation, God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to make him the father of many nations (Genesis 12).

God continued to reveal Himself to the offspring of Abraham at diverse times.

in Jacob and David God made special covenant promises that pointed to the coming of a special ruler who will rule in David's throne forever (1 Chronicles 17). This is the Messianic promise.

The Bible contains several references that point to Christ as the ultimate ruler and Savior through whom all men would come to God.

This is the foundation of God's special revelation.

Picture this...

1) Jesus is revealed as the Messiah or the annointed One who will set captives free (Isaiah 61). This is metaphorically understood as pointing to His finished works of the cross.

2) Jesus is later revealed as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, 36).

This implies that Jesus is the exclusive means by which God chose not only to reveal Himself but by which He provided the atonement for our sins. He purchased the church through His sinless blood (Acts 20:28).

Bible scholars believe that the seed of the woman in Genesis 3:15 refers to Christ who alone defeated Satan at Calvary

3) Jesus introduces Himself as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Rev. 1:10-11). This underscores His divine nature as God.

4) The Bible reveals that only by Christ and through Christ shall men come to God. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by Him (John 14:6).

In the Old Covenant, men like Abraham and Enoch were justified through their faith and obedience to God. They longed for the age of Grace which they saw from afar (Hebrews 11:13-16).

In the New Covenant, Christ's atoning death is the exclusive means to God. His sinless blood was and is the only atonement that could appease the wrath of God. Nothing else could.


There is therefore no other biblical means of salvation for men that God contemplated other than by Christ's atoning death on Calvary.

Any other teaching beside this Truth is heresy.

Put differently, the three ways to God are:

1) Christ
2) Christ
3) Christ

© Ezekiel Kimosop Teaching Series 2019.
All Rights Reserved.

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