Saturday, July 6, 2019

Understanding the Holy Trinity


By Ezekiel Kimosop

The Trinitarian revelation of God as taught in the Bible is a complex theological mystery which may not be fully comprehensible to our limited human faculties.

This is the reason that the Bible speaks of "the mystery of God" in Colossians 2:2 with regard to the relationship between Jesus Christ and God the Father.

There are several other passages of the Bible where the relationship between the Godhead is revealed as a mystery. Colossians 1:26 speaks of the Gospel as a "mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints."

This is not to suggest that God is completely incomprehensible! We can sufficiently understand the divine revelation of biblical truth because the Holy Spirit helps us to discern all things that our heavenly Father has liberally given to His children in Scripture.

Some have associated the Trinity to the analogy of body, soul and spirit in an attempt to demystify it. However, unlike the human elements of body, soul and spirit which are united at birth and are separated on death, the trinitarian existence of God in three self existing Divine Persons, who share full and equal divinity with each other, is an eternal relationship, without beginning or end (see Hebrews 18:8; Revelation 1:8).


The eternal sonship of Christ has been the subject of theological debates over the ages. Some Bible scholars insist that Christ received the sonship upon His incarnate coming. However, this would imply that there was a mystical vacuum in the trinitarian essence of the Godhead at some point and that this was remedied only by the incarnation! If Christ was at one time deficient in His Sonship, then His divinity as God the Son is doubtful.

Jesus revealed His pre-incarnate divine essence when answering the stubborn Jews. He says "Before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:48). By this statement, Jesus implied that He is and was God even before His incarnation. Some have construed Christ's redemption works as the exclusive evidence of His revelation.

However, when scripture speaks of Christ as the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8), this affirms His eternal relationship with God the Father. My view is that Christ Sonship was and is eternally established. There was not one time in divinity that Jesus was not God! 

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1 Timothy 3:16, speaking of the divinity and humanity of Christ declares: "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

God was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory."

This statement has clear implications on Christ's divinity. He was God revealed or manifested in the flesh. In Jesus' incarnate nature, God the Father remained on His throne in heaven. The Holy Spirit affirmed Jesus' deity, divinity and His divine works. God proclaims in Luke 3:22 "You are My beloved son; in You I am well pleased.” If the Trinity was false as Modalism claims, how could God speak of Himself in this context?

In Evangelical theology we subscribe to the view that neither member of the Holy Trinity is divinely inferior or superior to the other. The Three Divine Persons eternally coexist as the Godhead and are eternal united as One. This unity is an important biblical truth. The Godhead is full of all divine essence and is possessed of infinite holiness and perfection.

However, for the purposes of accomplishing the works of the cross, Jesus Christ who is God the Son, voluntarily submitted His will to God the Father and took upon Himself human flesh and came in the form of a man so that He was fully man and fully God at the same time (Philippians 2:1-10). This is the foundation of the hypostatic union doctrine that recognize the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ in His incarnation. He was 100% God and 100% man in His incarnation. How the two natures intertwined or related remains a divine mystery.

This is a fundamental truth of the doctrine of the incarnation of Jesus Christ as taught in several passages of the New Testament Scripture. The incarnate Christ was revealed in human flesh, yet He was and is eternally full of all divine essence as God.

Most Christian heresies centre on the misrepresentation of this trinitarian relationship. For instance, the Mormons (aka The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and the Jehovah's Witnesses deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.

It is instructive that Jesus suffered and died on the cross to take away our sins. However, Jesus never lost His divinity, not even at the cross! This is at the heart of biblical truth.

We believe in the eternal Sonship of Christ; that He eternally pre-existed as God the Son even before the incarnation and that His full divine glory which He left in heaven, was restored to Him by God the Father upon His Ascension to heaven.


The Holy Spirit on His part is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. He is full of all divine essence. He voluntarily submits to God the Son and God the Father and is the Superintendent of the Church. He is God's representative who took the place of Christ when Christ returned to heaven. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, our Comforter, our Teacher (Read John 14:16-31, 16:7).

Jesus affirmed the divinity of the Holy Spirit in Matthew 12:32, saying, "Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come."

The Holy Spirit is also revealed as the divine spokesperson of Christ and of God the Father (see the address to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor in Revelation 2-3).

For detailed information on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, I wish to refer the reader to the "Listening and Doing Statement of Faith" in the album section of my Facebook teaching forum called LISTENING AND DOING BIBLICAL DISCUSSION FORUM. Ask to join. 

I have extensively delved on the Trinitarian revelation of God in that page.

Let me conclude by stating that whereas we may never fully comprehend the relationship between members of the Godhead, perhaps until we appear before Christ in glory, we can at least appreciate the truths revealed in the Bible which are sufficient for our understanding of God's will and for our Christian obedience.


© Ezekiel Kimosop 2019

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