Monday, July 1, 2019

Recipes for a Purpose driven Life


By Ezekiel Kimosop

I have heard motivational speakers proclaim that a purpose-driven life is defined by a person's determination to make the best out of their circumstances by focusing on their unique attributes, and harnessing their talents and strengths.

In short, we are encouraged to BELIEVE IN OURSELVES and to focus on the goals that bring out the best in us. "Yes we can" is the popular slogan that underscores this theory.

How should a Christian understand a purpose driven life?

While the above prescriptions are important, there are limitations to this concept.

Allow me to put in a different perspective based on biblical truth.

A purpose driven life for a Christian is, in my view, a life whose objects and purposes are consistent with and fulfill God's divine purposes for our lives. This life begins with our discovery of who we truly are in the eyes of God and what He seeks to accomplish in our lives on earth. This is perhaps the most difficult part for many but if we are discerning, we shall see the bigger picture and follow God's leading.

Here is why....

When we remove God from the life purpose equation, we are left with our bare human capabilities which we shall then focus upon to the exclusion of the Creator. In so doing, we inescapably err and fall into a form of idolatry called human worship!

The psalmist confesses to God that "your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105).

A Christian should therefore primarily focus on God's leading and not on their abilities or strengths. Scripture elsewhere teaches in Proverbs 14:12 that "There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death."

The Bible further proclaims in Psalm 20:7-8: "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
8 They have bowed down and fallen;
But we have risen and stand upright."

The only way that leads to true personal fulfillment in life is God's way, not ours. No amount of motivational gybe can alter this biblical truth.


Picture this....

Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Persia were able to exceed their wildest dreams in life as they rose from obscurity to royalty. They were divinely elevated by God into the highest positions in heathen lands! This is also true of Esther who rose from an orphan to become queen of Persia, replacing Queen Vashti who was deposed!

In all these cases, and in several others attested by Scripture, God's hand guided these heroes to success (Hebrews 11). They may have been smart and intelligent but without God's leading and favor, they were mere dwarfs!

To live a purpose-driven life is, in my view, to discover and to satisfy God's purposes for our lives. It is not primarily about the pursuit of professional careers or material success per se or even the fulfillment of life long dreams even though these are important in life (Matthew 6:33).

It is about discernment and obedience; about knowing and serving God's purposes one day at a time and glorifying Him in the end.

This is what these heroes of faith ultimately achieved in great difficulty. They heard from God and focused on fulfilling His purposes for them. The rest is history.

Have you heard from God and are you fulfilling His purposes in your life?


The Bible teaches that the sons of Issachar were full of wisdom. They understood the times and despite being a small tribe in Israel, they provided prophetic direction for the nation of Israel so that nothing was done without their word! Israel literally moved only at their command!

1 Chronicles 12:32 says "of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command." (NKJV)

A purpose-driven life is knowing what God would have us do in our circumstances. It is about operating under a sphere where God is at the centre and His leading and direction is discerned and followed and His purposes are ultimately fulfilled.

Are you living a purpose-driven life?


© Ezekiel Kimosop Teaching Series 2019.

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